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Messages - psavola

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 56
When spawning a soldier (e.g. through hiring or manufacturing), apparently OXCE does not check if the soldier with an identical name already exists. Should it?

I came across this with XCF rat training, when two consecutive rats "manufactured" were both named Toblerone. I suppose this problem is more likely to occur with those agent types which don't have firstname and lastname, but rather just a single name, leading to a higher chance of clashes.

Not a big deal, but maybe it would be worth considering if OXCE should try to randomize the name again if there already exists a soldier of that name in any of the bases. Of course, this could lead to follow-up question: should this be attempted just once or as long as there is a clash. In theory it could happen that you completely run out of the name pool, leading to a new issue. I suppose this would call for trying just once or appending something to the new in case of a clash to avoid the problem.

If this not deemed an issue, the player could just rename them manually if this feels bothersome.

Storywise it would make perfect sense that Lo Wo's refuge would also include a Ninja Scroll, enabling access to martial arts training. It is strange that Lo Wo's refuge includes the scroll of secrets which depends on the ninja scroll, yet no ninja scroll including basic ninja arts info itself.

This could lead to getting access to martial arts training a bit earlier than usual (if you deal with Lo Wo before the HQ or manors), but IMHO this would not be a big deal and from the story perspective this would be ideal. Even if Ninja Scroll is meant to be "the prize" of dealing with the HQ, this is already not completely true as you can also get it from a manor.

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: Converting OXCE to rapidyaml
« on: November 21, 2024, 12:48:02 pm »
I can report that the linux appimage crashes immediately at start (I was using XCF master mod):

[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [INFO]  Scanning standard mods in '/tmp/.mount_oxce_gOsHz9A/usr/bin//../share/openxcom/'...
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] ./oxce_git_2024_11_21_0839-x86_64.AppImage(OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)+0x3d) [0x557fb310ccfd]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] ./oxce_git_2024_11_21_0839-x86_64.AppImage(OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)+0x3fa) [0x557fb310d6ea]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] ./oxce_git_2024_11_21_0839-x86_64.AppImage(signalLogger(int)+0x45) [0x557fb2ebb915]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] /lib64/ [0x7f306883e730]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] ./oxce_git_2024_11_21_0839-x86_64.AppImage(OpenXcom::YAML::YamlNodeReader::isMap() const+0x16) [0x557fb32527a6]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] ./oxce_git_2024_11_21_0839-x86_64.AppImage(OpenXcom::FileMap::scanModDir(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)+0xb2d) [0x557fb311f3ed]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] ./oxce_git_2024_11_21_0839-x86_64.AppImage(OpenXcom::Options::refreshMods()+0x8e5) [0x557fb316cb25]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] ./oxce_git_2024_11_21_0839-x86_64.AppImage(OpenXcom::Options::updateMods()+0x103) [0x557fb316e0e3]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] ./oxce_git_2024_11_21_0839-x86_64.AppImage(OpenXcom::StartState::load(void*)+0x221) [0x557fb336ae11]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] /tmp/.mount_oxce_gOsHz9A/usr/bin/../lib/ [0x7f3068fc5f3c]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] /tmp/.mount_oxce_gOsHz9A/usr/bin/../lib/ [0x7f3069005baf]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] /lib64/ [0x7f3068889d82]
[21-11-2024_12-45-01]   [FATAL] /lib64/ [0x7f306890ee20]
[21-11-2024_12-45-20]   [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.

The X-Com Files / Re: Having trouble getting the zombie trooper research
« on: November 21, 2024, 12:43:19 pm »
There is something missing and/or wrong in the OP description. There is no such thing as "battered zombie trooper corpses", which the OP claims to have aplenty - the battered zombie troopers just drop zombie trooper corpses, which is what you need and are clear if you have one. You can capture battered zombie troopers, but they are not useful for anything. The more likely cause here could be the research is hidden.

The problem mentioned by Stone Lake can (rarely) occur though. If you successfully finish the mission, it won't spawn anymore. If all the corpses got caught in explosions, or if you sold the corpses by mistake, tough luck. Or if you only captured live ones, because the mod settings won't allow you to kill live prisoners to get their corpses.

The X-Com Files / Re: Is lost Sanity regained after Transformations?
« on: November 20, 2024, 03:37:20 pm »
Stone Lake's last comments contain the gold nuggets. I have always been very confused about this. The crucial difference is to note how stats are changed directly and how with bonuses. Bonuses ignore caps while direct changes don't.

A recent example here is that in recently published XCF 3.5, where installing TNI reduces your current sanity by 20 %, but as it changes the stat directly, it can be regained through training. (Earlier similar proportional losses happened with protean revival, at least.)

Most transformations are mostly or entirely based on bonuses, so the order in which they are applied is not so important.

However, one transformation might open up a path for another more quickly. As a specific example, you should usually install TNI (which gives among other bonuses +5 to MELEE) to agents with 60 melee or slightly less, so that after installation, they would directly be eligible to get martial arts training. Because getting those last points to get your MELEE up to 65, this can fast track the progress quite a bit. And spartanism applied to a rookie is another story, allowing access to martial arts without any training at all (though with the veteran agents and all I doubt many will need that shortcut anymore).

Thank you. Took only a few minutes to copy and paste into Xcomfiles and add the quick draw slot into the slot list.

It might not work just like that. Some items might not show up in the loot pile; this was my experience when using the vanilla mod with XCF. Maybe adding QD slot is enough, maybe not.

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.62)
« on: November 18, 2024, 07:56:06 am »
I have always obtained examination room first from a very large USO. It's a RNG thing when these will spawn at a reasonable location. Sometimes you get one already in June timeframe, sometimes you can go almost the whole year without one.

They might be available somewhere else as well, not sure. In particular I'd check Naga temple, Naga City, Alien Barge and Alien Lab. The latter two are likely very difficult at this point of the game due to all the MC, but there might be special tactics one could employ (e.g. 3 SWS).

Shrapnel rockets will shred almost every unit to pieces. Including sectopods.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 15, 2024, 09:16:45 pm »
There have been new variants of the caves entrance to the monster lab recently. I don't recall whether this is in a released version or in the snapshot. Nonetheless, this is probably a map script bug. A save might help SS to debug the issue.

The X-Com Files / Re: PSI defence & attack formula?
« on: November 14, 2024, 04:14:16 pm »
PSATK = 0.02 * PSK * PST + bonus + RNG[0, 55] – distance
PSATK's 0.02 is replaced by 0.14/0.24 for hybrid psi / multiphase amp, and IIRC, for skulljack's PSATK it's different altogether.

A small typo here. You mean 0.024 for multiphase anp and 0.014 for hybrid psi. Otherwise multiphase would be over an order of magnitude more potent than the regular psi-amp. So the multi-phased psi-amp is slightly more effective than the regular one (and hybrid internal less effective). But the cost of using multiphased psi-amp probably offsets that benefit and it is more preferable to use the regular one when you can.

I'd ask not stop making the builds. You can install the original SDL1 library also on newer Linuxes. While erroneous bug reports now and then are unfortunate, I don't think we have seen a big flood of them at least so far to cause a major problem. Not having to resort to AppImages is still beneficial, for example because AppImages are AFAIK not created for all the snapshots (and I'm not sure if AppImages are otherwise also as handy as the native executable).

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.4: Daggers for Hire
« on: November 12, 2024, 06:37:29 am »
Pardon me if I am out of touch, but did anything change about smoke? The last time I played was six months ago, and I have now updated OpenX and XFiles. On my first EXALT outpost mission, I found myself constantly shot up while in smoke and unable to see the enemy. I don't remember this being at all the case before.

Nothing is listed in the Xfiles changelog either. I don't know if the engine changed, or if I just forgot how things really were.

edit: yeah I think I just forgot how brutal sniper/spotter mechanics are and how smoke is counterproductive against it

Around OXCE 7.9.20 or so smoke and darkness effects started stacking. This will not help at all with spotter/sniper. But otherwise it is much easier to hide within smoke and darkness, so that for example the BL assasins will not find you and you uncover them by dog/rat scanners. Nowadays even if the enemy unit walks one or two squares away it might not be able able to see you.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 11, 2024, 01:54:01 pm »
I guess they love their breakfast and grains. I have wondered about the same thing.

OXCE Suggestions NEW / Re: [QoL] Quick-save multiple slots
« on: November 04, 2024, 07:21:01 pm »
This essentially already exists for geoscape (except it's autosave multiple slots, not quick save slots):

I suppose you want this for battlescape. This was apparently at least once (in 2017) briefly discussed for OXC (not OXCE) and Meridian did not seem very enthusiastic:

No you can't because Don't Reselect flags the soldier as hidden and the Next Soldier button will no longer select it. The only way to control that soldier again is to click on them directly, which may be difficult if you don't know exactly what soldier that was and where they are on the map.

This only affects TAB and "Select next unit" buttons.

You can still find the soldier you misclicked on the battlescape. Or when opening a soldier's inventory, cycle through all the soldiers with "<" and ">" buttons next to "OK" (don't reselect does not affect this). Most likely going back with "<" once is the thing you want (unless there are soldies in between where you already had correctly clicked don't reselect). These are the options to mitigate the issue I was referring to. It's not like there are hundreds of soldiers out there. If you misclicked, it should be relatively painless to check at most about a dozen soldiers.

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