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Messages - aaronrolls

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The X-Com Files / Re: Xcom Files: Why so many UFOs?
« on: April 18, 2022, 06:35:59 am »
Maybe it is a bug on the beginner difficulty setting. I'm playing again but on veteran as well. I'll see how I go.

A did want to point out that on veteran there are more enemies and that makes it much easier to have a positive score at the end of the month.

On beginner I was struggling to have above 300. On veteran I can get 1000+ without much difficulty.

I'm sure veteran difficulty will bite me in the ass later down the line, but in the beginning it is easier.

The X-Com Files / Re: Xcom Files: Why so many UFOs?
« on: April 17, 2022, 12:20:44 am »
I believe you are mostly correct Solarius. But I my main issue was not a base next to my own. I still had two other bases to launch missions from.

What I would like to know is if it is normal to have 14 cult manors at one time on beginner difficulty in 1998? Most of my months had been a positive score.

And why could my humvee with a cannon not shoot them down?

The game being difficult is not an issue, but I did adapt my play style to the issues. I gave my humvees weapons and bought more Dragonflies (which I thought would be fast enough to outrun the enemy craft). But nothing I could do was enough.

The X-Com Files / Re: Xcom Files: Why so many UFOs?
« on: April 16, 2022, 02:39:26 am »
Thanks for the tips. I was playing on Ironman so I don't have any other saves.

I had three bases and only one of the bases had a cult manor next to it, although I could not see it. My main issue was the 13 other cult manors on the map preventing me from getting to missions. Once one of my vehicles had been spotted, it was done for. No way to run away, and a single cannon on a humvee could not take them down.

I was also broke. I must have spent 2 mill to replace destroyed vehicles, but the main monetary issue was that I made the mistake of hiring 45 scientists after I had built two labs. This brought my maintenance to about 1 mill above my funding of 2.8 mil. But I could have survived that if not for the cult manors shooting down my craft.

I'll give your tips a go in my next play through.

The X-Com Files / Re: Xcom Files: Why so many UFOs?
« on: April 15, 2022, 11:25:55 pm »
I don't have a problem with these features Solarius. They sound fun how you describe them.

In my game, and it was my first time playing Xcom Files, I could have easily destroyed these cult bases if I could have found them. Maybe I didn't have the required research, I don't know.

I had gotten to a decent level of research in my opinion, maybe not for the time I was at, but I was playing at beginner level. I was taken out by something I could not fight against. I had no way of finding these bases and no way of completing any more missions. Now I have to start again. It does feel a little disheartening. If I knew where the bases were but didn't have the skill or men to beat them at least it would have felt like I deserved to lose.

How do I prevent this in the future? Up until this point I had successfully completed most missions that had shown up. I had tried to take leaders alive and research them, but maybe I could have done a better job with this.

At what point do I need to be at to stop this from happening in the future?

Perhaps I did not have the right language set, but these craft only looked like UFO's to me. If they are only cars and helicopters could they move slower and be weaker on beginner difficulty? I had humvees with cannons on them and I could not take down a single craft. One time they ran away but the other two craft that were chasing me destroyed my humvee. My dragonflies could not even outrun them. I would assume a plane is faster than a helicopter or car. 

I had an enemy base right next to mine,  I know this because whenever a craft would launch it would get chased straight away. It is kind of funny to think about. I must have been doing terribly in the game.

But I do really appreciate your work Solarius, great mod and great work. My inability to beat it should not take away from that.

Anyway, I have attached my save file.

Edit: Keep in mind that I could not do any missions for the last two months of the game. So that may be the reason for any low ratings with countries.
Edit 2: Just found out by looking at my own save file that I had 14 cult manors on my map.

The X-Com Files / Re: Xcom Files: Why so many UFOs?
« on: April 15, 2022, 12:13:24 am »
Sometimes there would be waves and they would disappear. But most of the time they spawned from set points on the map when my craft flew past them. I assumed they were bases as the UFO's would fly back to where they spawned and disappear.

I never took down any UFO's. The only UFO that ever got downed was one shot down by Earths Military. I won that battle so I did get some UFO parts.

Unfortunately I don't remember where I got the Xcom Files installation from but I'll replace it with a new one. As for my save file, I did play it until I lost the game, is it still useful to post?

The X-Com Files / Xcom Files: Why so many UFOs?
« on: April 14, 2022, 12:53:59 pm »
So I I'm playing Xcom Files on beginner difficulty, Ironman.

The year is 1998, one year before the normal game would start.

The map is covered in UFO bases, at least 5 plus. I haven't discovered any but I can tell where all the UFOs land.

I can't complete any missions because almost everywhere UFOs spawn and take down my craft.

I'm now broke because I need to keep buying more craft. I can't outrun or avoid UFOs. It is normal for three UFOs to chase one of my craft.

What is going on? It's so early and on beginner difficulty. The run is lost, but how can I avoid this in the future?

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE running on MacOS 12
« on: April 07, 2022, 03:54:40 am »
I think I fixed it. It won't compile as a universal binary but here is a version for Apple Silicon.

If there are any issue, please let me know.

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE running on MacOS 12
« on: April 07, 2022, 03:24:30 am »
Thanks for that. It runs, but it runs through rossetta. Performance is quite bad compared to the iOS version. I built it on Xcode and it builds and runs on my m1 Mac natively but only when run from Xcode. Launching the .app crashes with what I believe is a signing error.

I don't know enough about this to fix it unfortunately.

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE running on MacOS 12
« on: April 01, 2022, 03:55:10 am »
Would someone be able to try this Compiled Xcom .app for me on an Apple Silicon device? I suspect it will only run on my Mac but I don't have another one to try.

It doesn't come with the UFO game files so you will need to add them yourself.

If it does work, keep in mind that this is based off the iOS version of the game. This means it runs nativity on Apple Silicon but it also means that it has mobile controls.
I am in the process of adding the desktop controls back to the game but it is not complete.


Add UFO files too "OpenXcom"

You can open an .app archive by right clicking and selecting "Show Package Contents".

Changes I have made so far:

  • Added Keyboard Shortcut Support - All Shortcuts other than "ALT", "CMD", "CTRL", "SHIFT" and "ARROW KEYS" should work.
  • Due to "ALT", "CMD", "CTRL" and "SHIFT" not working I have made the touch controls show by default on the Battlescape
  • Since right and middle click do not work, I added a double click feature on the purchase/Sell/Equip Craft screens that lets you double click instead of middle click to see stats.
  • I fixed the music playing too fast. I am not an audiophile so please let me know if it is playing at the right speed.
  • Added the Quit button back to the main menu and made it actually quit the app.
  • Changed the fat extended menu buttons to thinner desktop ones
  • Removed all window modes but windowed. For some reason they would mess with where the game thinks the mouse is.

General Advice

In the MacOs Xcom Preference(open by pressing cmd + `), turn Touch Alternatives to On.
This will enable you to use your track pad or magic mouse to move around the globe and battlescape.
But it will disable keys "wasd" and "space" so you might want to remap any shortcuts that use those keys.

Turn Off "Swipe to Turn" in the advanced Settings in game.

Please let me know if it runs.


OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE running on MacOS 12
« on: March 29, 2022, 06:43:27 am »
But officially, I still recommend installing custom mods into the `mods` folder.
You can find out the location of the `mods` folder in the `Options > Folders` GUI

Thanks, I didn't realise that it told you the locations in the game.

I don't know, I've just literally blindly ported sfalexrog's work on OXC for iOS to OXCE for iOS.

But my guess would be that if you know what you're doing (unlike me), it shouldn't be too hard.

I'm not a professional programmer ether but I know enough to get a rough idea of what is going on so I'll take a look and see if I can sort it out for myself.

Thanks for your help.

OXCE Builds & Ports / OXCE running on MacOS 12
« on: March 28, 2022, 09:10:04 pm »
I was able to build and run the iOS version of OXCE natively on my M1 Mac(On MacOS 12 Monterey) without any trouble. Obviously the controls are designed for mobile so it make things a little more difficult than the original.

I have two questions, how hard would it be change the control scheme from the current mobile one back to a desktop one?

And how do I add mods such as Xcom Files to iOS OXCE prior to build? 

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