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Messages - Jos

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: Open Source X-Com Apocalypse !!!
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:35:09 pm »
Slightly Off topic but BombBloke is working on a PCK extractor for Apocalypse, check it out

Yeah, I saw that recently too.  Bomb-bloke is such a hero.  I wanted to do some
graphical tweaking of the apocalypse sprites recently (like create a power-sword
animation) but was stymied by the lack of fully functional PCK extractor.

So yeah - Sethis?  Whats this about a functional battlescape renderer!?!?!  8)

Offtopic / Re: Open Source X-Com Apocalypse !!!
« on: June 16, 2012, 07:40:55 pm »
Please please please keep going with this project!!!
Apocalypse was never fully recognised as one of the best
squad-level strats ever made (IMO of course ;))

I swear this project could be absolutely outstanding ....

Pages: [1]