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Messages - mikKoi

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Tools / Re: Ruleset Validator for VSCode v0.9.36
« on: January 26, 2025, 01:19:55 pm »
Yes, it works fine. I wrote it wrong.

I just read the online references a little more carefully and it is explained well above in researchTrigger. I had skipped over it. Sorry, the posts could be deleted and I should always give more time to research. This is a good example.

Tools / Re: Ruleset Validator for VSCode v0.9.36
« on: January 26, 2025, 12:26:43 pm »
Thank you very much! Mine seemed to work, but my fantasy world mod only has one region at the moment :P

..the example below throws an error in VS btw

Tools / Re: Ruleset Validator for VSCode v0.9.36
« on: January 26, 2025, 10:06:34 am »
Hellow, I think I have a false positive in eventScripts
Code: [Select]
xcomBaseInRegionTriggers: [STR_LIST]
Expected "object"

Absolute great tool, thanks

XPiratez / Re: [Submod] Stuffiez - nice cute things
« on: November 04, 2024, 12:13:15 pm »
I decided to rearrange a bit and separated the submod into two different packages:

Has all the pirate style mods and remodels, polished and edited map stuff also included.

- Realistic Weapon Models [New]
Moved here a bunch of fairly common small arms sprites I did as practice years ago... Nowadays I think more and more that these could/would do better in some visually different kind of OXC project.

So, now that the main folder is gone, people can download only the zip file (and either continue playing with less modified stuff or add back the new/old weapons for the experience via the Mods menu).

Tools / Re: MAPVIEW upgrade
« on: May 01, 2024, 09:15:06 am »
Very nice, McdView is a handy tool to use for small adjustments when working on a map in MapView. It is more clearly sorted than McdEdit and therefore faster to use.

For the same reason, I've probably made my own LoFTs, because imo the EU vanilla set is so messy and confusing.

Good job, thanks for that, hope it wasn't too much trouble.

Tools / Re: MAPVIEW upgrade
« on: April 06, 2024, 09:16:32 am »
No problem, no more rush because I found a workaround for custom LoFTs. The main thing is that the MapView itself works great (although I can't get the Top view to show symbols from my LoFTs, but I can live with that)

Thx and take care!

Tools / Re: MAPVIEW upgrade
« on: April 05, 2024, 03:51:00 pm »
I have been using MCDView because of my custom LoFTs, but it seems to have thingies missing compared to MCDEdit
  • no editing multiple ID’s bytes at once
  • BigWall only allows 0 or 1, even possibilities are 0-9 AND when I edit them in MCDEdit and come back, it only allows saving 0 or 1 :(
  • TerrainOffset can’t go to positive digit (lowered)
So, am I missing something? Great tools otherwise, btw :)

(Currently I start with MCDEdit and go to MCDView for the LoFTs, but then I must go back to set BigWalls and never can come back)

OK, figured out how to use custom LoFTs in MCDEdit 👍 but the defined BigWall digit(s) is still blocking me editing data files with MCDView afterwards

XPiratez / Re: [Submod] Stuffiez - nice cute things
« on: February 18, 2023, 11:48:55 am »
I updated Mountainous/Plains from here and Stuffiez

- big rocks are destroyable with/by good strength and Pickaxe or Hammer (at least)
- I don’t fully get the sliding movement (snakeman?) so I just gave it +1 TU cost in frozen grass
- snowy ‘fantasy’ floor tile (what Dioxine posted) is changed and used as a small rubble for big rocks
- side and corner rocks are no longer bigWalls (same as ogs)
- minor fixes

<Edit> MCDs aren't anymore/yet downloadable...

XPiratez / Re: [Submod] Stuffiez - nice cute things
« on: February 17, 2023, 04:48:47 pm »
Great feedback, wonderful :) I don’t fully remember why I left big rocks indestructible, but if I recall right, it was because they didn’t have good deathID choices or smth, and at one very early point I WAS planning a general rock rubble for them, but don’t know what happened to it :P

Yes, of course they should be able to be destroyed. Maybe making them harder than earthy hills (as ogs are) and breaking/vanishing to the most ruined floor available.

PS. There’s still some general MCD functionality which I’m not quite aware of and I’m trying to find out about them mostly via testing.

XPiratez / Re: [Submod] Stuffiez - nice cute things
« on: January 28, 2023, 08:12:42 am »
Hello, though Stuffiez have been on and off alive a year now, there haven't been any extra nice reasons to post anything. Been mostly doing the same units’ sprite editing shit all over again, but a while ago I moved mainly to map assets and replaced two polished original terrains which are playable as quick battles named Mountainous/Plains (Dead/Snowy/Tundra). Campaign also uses them at least as globeTexture terrains.

Here’s an example how the submod’s tile sprites affects to the ogs: [SNOWY.webp]

After a couple of new polished Mountainous/Plains terrains, it’s time for a new release. So long!

PS. Tilesheets are made using Piratez’s Cold palette, so PCKs render colors a bit differently (lighter) in mods and tools using vanilla battlescape palette.

<Edit> Zip removed, PCKs are now in XPZ. MCDs + mapblocks just for personal use/testing only.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: January 17, 2023, 05:41:36 pm »
Hi. Tiny (x2) mapblock ‘bug’ found! Secret backrooms in URBAN_WASTE were not very well hidden after all. Some tile destruction was needed to get the VIP pass, but left me worried about those poor AI dudes, because handy humane tricks aren't known to them and therefore not very fair. :-\

Also, if passable, I think that room would be good for fighting scenes of many kinds:

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: December 23, 2022, 11:55:06 am »
Good to know, thank you, sir. So… then is just a must to manufacture some Good Looking Slingshot Ammo Pack (maybe 5 pieces) :P

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: December 23, 2022, 10:01:14 am »
As a day passed, I had time to give more proper thought-out to experimental trap and sling items’ concepts.

A trap could give stabbing damage type to health for sure, but crippling damage type is the real problem solving case. Possibilities are, afaik, only stun, because vehicles and armored suits shouldn’t cripple as others. Also, does the target lose its TUs and freeze, energy and become a turret with reactions or have stun damage and go zzz’ing? And what about flying units? In inventory, I think Bear Trap could be a 2x2 item, so it would be harder to carry as numbers.

There might be a big problem with using Good Looking Rocks as ammo, most likely it is impossible for item to act both as a weapon and ammunition for another one.
While sling and staff slings do sound like a good concept for early game long range explosive launchers, otherwise they could be always outclassed by bows.

Sling could be stacked to a much smaller size than a bow, maybe even 1x2. I think I have read a post where Meridian said that you could make weapons that shoot weapons, but I dunno what it actually means.

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: December 22, 2022, 09:28:00 am »
I would like to see these couple simple items XPiratizedz:

Bear Trap to stop monsters, will they be offensives or not
- weighs like sins of the animal torturer
- takes 70% of TUs to set (and -10 energy)
- causes a small HP damage + total TU loss

Slingshot to ‘throw’ rocks across the map à la catapult style
- takes 50% of TUs to load Good Looking Rocks one by one

I can help and draw all sprites needed, without a deadline, np 8)

PS. Actually I might be able to submod this as a whole. If ever succeeded, then Bear Traps would be available to manufacture from the start by the cost of Scrap Metal and a Blood Hound (yeah of course why not, for some weird but simple gamey reasons). Slingshot then maybe could be just a matter of money and handcraft after some related and specific (but quite common) research.

Help / Re: How to turn an image of HWP into spritesheet for HWP?
« on: November 12, 2022, 12:57:58 pm »
Great tool! Should help a lot.

Center height for the battlescape’s grid selector/pointer can be adjusted by the lowest sprite. I made an animation for it :P So, actually that two pixel wide vertical gap only needs to be cut-pasted to the farthest sprite.

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