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Messages - Dadimus_Maximus

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ok, I will check
Happy 9000th post!  8)

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.4: Daggers for Hire
« on: September 22, 2024, 04:44:10 pm »
This lizard running on an F1 track reminded me of how some cryptids look when they're moving in this mod

The X-Com Files / Re: Tips for cave missions
« on: September 12, 2024, 11:55:54 pm »
I never really used dogs before, despite everyone singing their praises.  But I guess in caves where it's hard to make use of 14+ agents at once, they seem like a better idea.

The X-Com Files / Tips for cave missions
« on: September 12, 2024, 10:32:05 pm »
I just got my first Chtonite Mini Base, and it was a bit rough, but I made it through in the end. Looking back at all the zombie hives, spider nests, and other things (like trekking to Dimension X), I must wonder if there's some valuable insight that can be shared with me about cave missions.

I've noticed that not all of them are truly dark, I didn't need lights for the minibase or dimension X. But I'm pretty sure I did for zombie hives. Is there a good answer to dark caves besides leap-frogging with flares?

Also, what are good weapons or tactics for the caves? I barely survived the silicoids by mulching their armor with miniguns and then tazing them. For most other things, automatic shotguns or heavy shotguns work decently well, until I hit heavy armor. And if the people in front of the group fail to kill the enemy, it becomes a lot harder to support them with the others. I also learned my lesson with that Dimension X cave, that Nobelon is a must-have because these missions tend to drag on.

I haven't researched "Going Deeper" yet, so I'm a bit worried about what awaits me below. Getting reaction-fired by plasma destroyers in close range is hilarious, but painful.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« on: November 01, 2022, 04:57:31 am »
Yeah I usually try to get my second base up by late 1997 or early 1998, just so I can actually reach more missions with the Helicopter or Dragonfly for the several months I'm forced to use them.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« on: October 19, 2022, 05:17:23 am »
I think I may have realized a bit of cheese, though I doubt I'm the first.

The miniguns are really inaccurate, but manage to get a few hits per burst anyway through sheer weight of fire. This is obviously by design, and works well. However, I just had a mission where my minigun-toting agent scored quite a few kills, and walked away with several levels of the "lucky" commendation. Idk if commendations can only be leveled up once per mission, and I just hadn't noticed the previous ones, but he's getting at least one lucky commendation every mission. His accuracy is gonna go sky-high real fucking quick-like.

The X-Com Files / Re: Cultist MANOR spawning rate and evolution speed
« on: October 03, 2022, 06:37:41 pm »
I managed to get Promotion III due to a lucky Deep Ones mission in August 1998. So I decided to immediately tech into Mortars, and oh boy they are WORTH that price tag. On a totally unrelated note, I learned that soldiers can get the "betrayer" commendation after blowing themselves up.

I do agree that these missions feel tougher than some of the HQ missions, but the only thing I'd really change would be disallowing reinforcements from appearing on your own spawn point, or perhaps even on the same side of the map. Otherwise, smoke to conceal the spawn and enough mortars to flatten the place is the doctor's prescription. Even with that, it's a tough fight! Before mortars though, they are quite the nightmare. I tried using grenade launchers back in Promo2 for the same effect, but it wasn't killy enough even with those chokepoints.

Oh, I've done something similar but in the GURPS system instead. Had a wonderful session where one player boarded a train occupied by the Red Dawn, took a bunch of Storm, and proceeded to tear shit up and hijack the train after it started moving, with the rest of the squad desperately trying to follow in a humvee.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.4: Flesh and Circuitry
« on: April 07, 2022, 05:26:16 pm »
Starting to get through a new campaign after not having played in a while, and I gotta say I'm absolutely in LOVE with these "intercepted messages" from the various factions. Really makes you feel like you're fighting a secret war, or at least the egg-heads are doing it in the background while you manage the boots on the ground.

That being said, I feel like I'm leading a group of abductors. Last three Outpost missions I fought, I kidnapped some high-ranking guy and fled under cover of smoke and darkness.

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: March 23, 2022, 04:39:52 pm »
I'm using Devastator Tactics

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: March 23, 2022, 12:40:50 am »
After researching and manufacturing Terminator armor, I cannot equip it, nor is there a codex entry for it. Any idea what might've caused this?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« on: February 17, 2022, 06:59:13 am »
Ah of course, that's the bitch. Guess that's what I get for not updating for a year...

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« on: February 17, 2022, 12:34:13 am »
I have a fresh install of X-COM Files and for some strange reason my agents are getting a ton of commendations after every mission. They all seem to be mission-commendations like spelunker, aquanaut, dreamwalker, etc. I'm getting these on the basic cult apprehension and strange creature missions. I have some old save files that have the same issue from the new update, it's happening on every mission.

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: August 18, 2021, 12:55:09 am »
It's an easy fix, the gif is indexed as a png, put this image in resources/stormtalon/imperialF
This helped, thanks.

You should also remove/sell the STR_TACTICAL_CARE_PACKAGE from your base stores, those were only for getting some initial gear in earlier versions and are now deprecated.
I don't know why, but even with no save files in the 40k folder and a fresh install of the mod, it was still crashing because I didn't have the care packages.

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: August 16, 2021, 07:13:43 pm »
I updated but now it just won't start at all. I've attached the log file.

Edit: I got the game to start by copying the   - type: STR_TACTICAL_CARE_PACKAGE items from 029's 40k and Items40k files into the 030 versions and the game progresses past Feb 8th... But now it crashes when I enter the base. Also of note, OpenXCOM just won't start even if there's no previous saves without doing that fix. This also happens if I start a new game, it crashes because of the below error.

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