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Messages - Guilty man

Pages: [1]
Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: November 22, 2018, 11:45:16 am »
Thanks and sorry. I will check ASAP.

(I swear, those hybrids are easily the most troublesome thing in this mod.)

I think it should be fine... Are you sure you have the latest version of the mod?
Yeah. Recently I updated It's version to latest 2.2d. After 2-3 days of playing this version I get this error.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: November 21, 2018, 12:35:17 pm »
Hello, Solarius Scorch!
I've got a crash nearly the end of the game, so it's sad to drop everything in this moment.  :'( Maybe there is a way to solve the problem somehow? And the problem is:
[21-11-2018_13-20-45]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Error proccessing mission script named: recon, mission type: STR_HYBRID_GROUND_CONVOY is not defined
Everything worked well untill now.

Pages: [1]