Help / Re: What are these UI settings? Help me!
« on: May 12, 2018, 02:49:15 am »
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH! I'm so dumb, I was looking at advanced instead of battlescape! I'm all good now.
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The arrows+TUs on them are available in the options menu. The accuracy on the reticle is too, but as part of a larger feature called "UFO Extender Accuracy" - this option enables a fall-off in firing accuracy beyond a certain distance dependent on the shot type. The default ranges are 200 tiles for aimed shot (effectively infinite), 15 for snap shot, and 7 for auto shot, and you lose 2 accuracy for every tile beyond those distances. Mods can change these values, and the one Lewis and Ben are playing make heavy use of that feature.