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Messages - Pandemonium

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Help / Re: My mod isn't working ...
« on: September 06, 2021, 03:23:18 am »
Code: [Select]
    - type: STR_LIGHTNING
      id: 1
      fuel: 30
      damage: 0
      status: STR_READY
        - type: STR_PLASMA_BEAM_UC
          ammo: 100
You can add this to startingBase or saved game file under the
Code: [Select]
  crafts: section. Make sure you check the level of indent and adjust accordingly. I think you need to add 2 spaces per line for save game file.

I have the Lightning and weapons etc. I got the save where it needs to be to test. The issue now is that the images I made to replace the dogfight and minimised images for the geoscape aren't showing up. I have them in the resource folder of my mod and referenced in the rule file like I showed above. But the original images for the lightning are what shows up. I'm thinking I got the number prefixing the path wrong. Here's my code again.
Code: [Select]
  - type: UP003.SPK
    singleImage: true
    width: 320
    height: 200
      0: RESOURCES/lightning_ufopedia.png
  - type: BASEBITS.PCK
      34: RESOURCES/lightning_base.gif
  - type: INTICON.PCK
      24: RESOURCES/lightning_minimised.gif
      35: RESOURCES/lightning_dogfight.gif

Edit: I found the issue. Ruleset Reference Nightly . It's the whole Sprite ID thing. I appreciate everyone's help.

Help / Re: My mod isn't working ...
« on: September 06, 2021, 12:09:24 am »
ah... you could edit the Lightning into a savedgame but... that could be tricky, to ensure consistency/robustness of the save.
(I've never done it.)
Or edit the save to have the necessary Research,Materials,Facilities,Engineers then build one ...
unfortunately i can't think of another way to "grant Lightning"
or if someone posts a stock save w/ Lightning ...

Also you can edit startingbase conditions.

I got that part figured out now. I added the relevant tech and materials and manufactured one. Then edited the save again to add 100x the engineers. It was completed almost instantly. I've run into another issue. The dogfight and minimized images are wrong. Here's my code.

Code: [Select]
  - type: UP003.SPK
    singleImage: true
    width: 320
    height: 200
      0: RESOURCES/lightning_ufopedia.png
  - type: BASEBITS.PCK
      34: RESOURCES/lightning_base.gif
  - type: INTICON.PCK
      24: RESOURCES/lightning_minimised.gif
      35: RESOURCES/lightning_dogfight.gif

The UFOpedia is working fine and so is the Base image. So my assumption is that the number prefacing the minimized and dogfight files refers to the section or segment of INTICON that will be replaced by the corresponding files. Since I copied this code from a firestorm mod it's likely replacing that ships images and not the Lightnings.

Help / Re: My mod isn't working ...
« on: September 05, 2021, 10:19:36 am »
I got the quick battle part. I changed the speed refuel and a few other things so I wanted to test those things for balance in the geoscape.

Help / Re: My mod isn't working ...
« on: September 05, 2021, 09:53:18 am »
So I'm trying to debug my WIP. I need a Lightning but I don't have a save with one. How do I use debug to give myself one?

Resources / Re: image editors / graphics programs
« on: September 03, 2021, 02:59:07 am »
I'm not sure if this post should go here, so someone move it if there's a better spot.

I got tired of clumsily trying to hand paint or slice 3D models into isometric tiles usable by OXC. I found the post by bulletdesigner, Bulletdesigner shipyard , and decided to try it. His YouTube video filled in the gaps. His templates were the basis for my own, which I attached. I made them in PhotoShop, Gimp, and Aseprite formats. I also added a sprite sheet template based on Dioxine's from the same thread.

Instructions for users unfamiliar with image editing

You can select the rows you need one block at a time by using wand/fuzzy select/etc. with the threshold set to zero and holding the shift key until one tile of image is selected.
Then switch to the base Layer/Level without deselecting and cut that and paste into the sprite sheet template. Or, in case of sprite repetition, you can paste them as individual sprites and remove any duplicates.
After that it's just a little work with MCD Edit and MapView and viola! You have a custom made map of whatever you like.


If your object takes up multiple levels be sure to move the remaining image to align to the grids as needed to ensure your image lines up well.
Pay careful attention to how the edges are placed into the sprite sheet template for the same reason.
Move the block on the end to the piece you begin with so you don't get an incomplete sprite.
You can delete, move, and add block sections from rows as you see fit. Just don't save, flatten, or otherwise overwrite the template unless you want to start over and remake the template.

Help / Re: OpenXcom Modding Tools by Falko
« on: August 31, 2021, 08:03:55 pm »
First: I figured it out. The file extention for the rouge two files was in caps (PNG). The rest were lowercase (png).

Second: Thanks for the link and thanks to The Reaver of Darkness for his work.

Third: How do I embed an image under the spoiler [spoiler ][ /spoiler]? And how do I link one directly into my post instead of under everything?

Help / Re: OpenXcom Modding Tools by Falko
« on: August 31, 2021, 04:12:50 pm »
Blur is intentional


Edit: I don't guess I know how to embed my image under the spoiler.

Help / OpenXcom Modding Tools by Falko
« on: August 31, 2021, 03:00:14 am »
When I trying to use the sprite combiner it splits my sprites into multiple sheets. Even if they follow the same name convention. Is there a way to stop it from doing that? There's fewer than 64 and they all have the same file format etc. Also is there an offline version somewhere? Like a github?

Released Mods / Re: Searching for a Mod
« on: August 25, 2021, 06:49:04 am »
That's it! I can't believe I didn't find it. Thanks so much!

Released Mods / Searching for a Mod
« on: August 22, 2021, 06:45:59 am »
I'm looking for a mod. I somewhat sure it exists but I'm having trouble finding it. It's a hybrid of UFO and TFTD. You can play both games in the same playthrough. Both surface and aqua missions are possible. Does anyone know where it is?

Edit: If not I guess I'll just have to make one... *cracks knuckles* *sighs deeply* It should be ready in about 3 years.

Help / IrfanView Batch?
« on: August 21, 2021, 10:38:48 pm »
Does anyone know how to batch import palette in IrfanView? I know it's possible to script batch operations that don't have native support but my knowledge in that area is lacking.

Resources / Re: Graphic Gallery
« on: August 21, 2021, 01:05:40 am »
Guess I'll throw my two cents in. I made these for a custom Lightning. The idea was a triangle shaped craft reminiscent of the TR-3B or the ubiquitous Black Triangle UFO. Some are just re-colors but the new roof tapers, new power sources, and engine port animation are my creations. I don't have sprite sheets for all the power sources but the GIFS can be split into frames easily enough. Have fun!

Help / Re: My mod isn't working ...
« on: August 18, 2021, 04:43:28 pm »
I don't have much completed yet. I did new roof tiles as you can see. Everything else was recolors and using UFO walls recolored and with animations. I'm not sure that fits within your theme. I'll add the sprite sheets and you can go through them. The idea for the roof was to have a tapered roof like the avenger with tiles that make other angles possible. The point with the walls was for a UFO-like exterior and true human-like interior. The design is intended for a triangle shaped craft reminiscent of triangle UFOs. The southeast facing wall has an engine port animation because that was the only wall that would be facing out on the triangle.

I also added a few power core choices because the old gyrating core seemed a little garish and obscene to me.
The power cores are animated GIF. It should be easy to split if you like them.

While I have your attention I have a question. I'm using some 3D modeling to create some more complex stuff. What angle is the isometric view of the battlescape? I've tried a few but they skew a bit out of alignment with the native game terrains it seems.

Help / Re: My mod isn't working ...
« on: August 16, 2021, 05:54:30 am »
Thank you! It's fixed!

Help / [SOLVED] My mod isn't working ...
« on: August 16, 2021, 03:06:09 am »
So I changed nothing and ran it again...

But seriously, ever been so frustrated you skipped anger and went straight to laughing like a lunatic? I found that level of madness today. I've been designing custom terrains after work for the last few weeks after I found there are zero tiles in the vanilla game to design much more than square ships, buildings, etc. Since I have some artistic talent I decided to make the effort and design what I needed myself.

I got far enough along to begin map making. After getting everything converted and loaded (I thought) properly I immediately saw my tiles are not all loading at the correct level on the map. I upload a screen capture to show you all.

I know it has to do with voxels and I've changed the voxel height in MCDEdit but it still displays higher than it should. I'm guess I did it wrong.

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