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Messages - oxcuser0003

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40k / Re: 40k
« on: February 02, 2024, 06:37:41 am »
checking back in after a while, very cool that Deathwatch is in, it seems the final mission might be different which is a nice touch

the recruitment with different chapters and perks is cool but the individual barracks is clunky. is it intended that i have to spend resources and space building all the barracks early on to recruit as many guys as possible then dismantling or wasting the space?

im trying to change some of the rulesets like craft fuelitem and refuel rate but they dont seem to be taking effect when i load a game? Do i have to start a completely new game? EDIT: i think it was capitalization

EDIT: DW doesnt get librarian armor? is this intended?
Noticed a bug, mismatching logo on the soldier list, Dark Angels show the Space Wolves logo

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: January 09, 2022, 12:54:49 pm »
That's a bug in the deployment.

You can run this bugfix submod which also includes a bunch of other fixes.
- Put it in the mods folder
- Go into the main menu of the game, mods, activate the submod
Awesome it worked, thanks!

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: January 07, 2022, 06:31:30 am »
GK playthrough, is there a bug with the troop carrier? Says 8 slots but only 7 units show up? Is the pilot not usable? Was that changed?

40k / Re: 40k
« on: January 06, 2022, 09:04:52 am »
So awesome that new factions are still being added. Looks like you beat Chaos Gate 2 to playable GK lol They do feel OP at start but thats a good thing imo, something that the SM kind of lacked until end game. The requisition system does make them feel more rare and valuable which is a nice change from feeling like IG fodder

Havent played much but it seems like you wont be able to change up the weapon loadouts until you promote them and get different armor? Or will all armor ranks have locked in items?

Speaking of weapons, any thoughts on rebalancing? Last time I got through the base SM campaign with heavy bolters and lascannons that you get early on and there wasnt much feeling of progression. Dont know how much inspiration is taken from the tabletop (which i admittedly dont play) but when i looked up the stats out of curiosity (on wahapedia) there seemed to be a LOT to work with

Cosmetically, love the DoW voices; the armor color seems a bit more like White Knights though :D

Looking forward to what you have in store for Deathwatch, thanks again for the great mod!

« on: September 08, 2021, 05:26:26 pm »
awesome that more stuff is being added - will have to give it a try sometime

40k / Mind Control?
« on: August 16, 2021, 11:56:49 am »
Is it still in the game and how do I unlock it? I saw an old youtube playthrough that had it but havent been able to unlock it. I played through a SM campaign and unlocked the Librarian but he didnt have it? Playing a Primaris campaign now and same thing. I would have thought it would be built into the armor or something?

40k / Re: Enemy Chimera Turrets
« on: August 16, 2021, 09:52:14 am »
Yeah they suck, havent played IG but on SM I used heavy bolters and spam auto shot, lascannons also work

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: August 16, 2021, 09:48:31 am »
didn´t occur to me, can you please send save, the hologram number is random so can be less than last time

Tried a different "landing site" and it ended normally

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: August 11, 2021, 07:22:07 am »
Possible Side Mission 1 bug with build 030, Primaris Doctrine? The mission is supposed to end after killing the holograms inside right? Or until turn 10? Tried both and it didnt end. Also I think there might have been less holograms than usual? I thought there were more the last time i played it

40k / Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« on: August 10, 2021, 03:49:19 am »
Any thoughts on intended weapon progression? Its fun unlocking and seeing all the cool weapons in the mod but then I stuck with pretty early unlocks after seeing the stats and costs, maybe Im playing it wrong lol? I was expecting a traditional X-COM upgrade path but maybe I shouldnt be? 

As SM on build 029 I ended up spamming Heavy Bolters (Auto Shots) and Lascannons pretty much all game. I noticed the auto/snap shot range on the heavy bolters is 20/20 instead of the default 7/15 and might be too good? Ammo is cheap too, the MC ammo is a nice damage upgrade but the ceramite plates get expensive and the regular ammo was mostly fine. Also 5 shot auto shot and available right at the start of the game.

Lascannon damage seemed high enough even for late game. Also an early unlock and cheap. Was using Sniper Rifles before unlocking this

Assault Bolters added in 030 seem really nice for Primaris early game with the 20/20 range until strength is high enough for heavy bolters

Plasma didnt seem to hit hard enough, even the Heavy plasma. (Also the graphic makes it seem like the blast radius is bigger than it is?) I assume there was something going on with the armor of the targets? I just ended up going back to heavy bolters. Havent tried incinerators yet but mag size of 20 seems like its not intended for auto shot spam? But it doesnt have the buffed 20/20 ranges or an aimed shot for long range. Maybe nerf lascannon and buff this as a replacement?

Meltas max range cap made me ignore them

Being able to hit myself with flamers also made me ignore them lol

Wanted to like storm bolters but they didnt feel worth the cost, feel like they need an auto shot buff or something (to clearly replace bolters/heavy bolters?)

The Assault Cannon was a good all around upgrade but unlocked pretty late and ammo was expensive

Also Melee seems outclassed by guns? At least on SM playthrough with Assault Term/Thunder Hammer. Havent tried much on Primaris playthrough, I know Phobos armor adds some TU but havent played with it much

Thoughts? Maybe Im expecting more linear progression when instead keeping weapons situationally useful was intended? Either way, loving the mod, thanks again for the great work!

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: August 08, 2021, 10:22:46 am »
the weapon varies due to soldier rank, so 1 armor , 5 diferent weapons built in the armor , dunno how it´s shows in the drop down list

Didnt know it had different items, cool touch, thought it was just the cosmetic changes, could that info be added into the codex entry? And the weapon stats/intended use case? Does that happen with any other armor? Is that the main benefit of promoting units?

For anyone wondering the items are and not wanting to manually equip Gravis on every rank:
Primaris: Boltstorm gauntlets
Sergeant: Flamestorm Gauntlets
Veteran: Boltstorm Gauntlets that look like they have drum mags?
Lt: Boltstorm gauntlets v2 + rocket launcher
Captain: Boltstorm v1 + open hand
Unfortunately I couldnt see any of the stats

EDIT: Played with the other armors:

Phobos armor on a captain gives a backpack with a Haywire Mine (proximity grenade)

Techmarine on Veteran gives a Tarantula Deploy System
Lt gives Thunderfire Deploy System

Chaplain can only be used by veterans and Lt, gives the Crozius

Librarian requires veteran or higher; gives shield, lockdown, speed + shield in that order

40k / Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« on: August 06, 2021, 11:49:38 am »
Hey, just wondering if this would work similarly if I wanted to play space marines with all the 4 strategies unlocked. Kinda wanna to do a playthrough where I can collect all the armors and craft.

You eventually unlock all the firstborn armors (Assault/Tactical/Devastator) if you choose one of them, dont know if it unlocks Primaris armors though. I started a Primaris playthough and havent seen any firstborn armor.

EDIT: I had a firstborn campaign pretty far along then updated to the latest mod version. I could then research Primaris but I dont know if that was intended.

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: August 04, 2021, 10:25:09 pm »
For the new Gravis Armor stats, it lists Boltstorm Guantlets in the built in item drop down list but doesnt show anything when you click. In the paper doll/inventory it shows Flamestorm Gauntlets instead

« on: August 03, 2021, 09:58:13 pm »
Cool mod, thanks for all the work, I played up to unlocking the last mission but then got distracted 

Some thoughts:
- the additional soldier types are cool but complicates everything, seemed hard to upgrade them even with lots of missions and kills? then after spending a lot of time with the novices I finally unlocked the actual sisters lol, then certain armor types are locked to the different classes 
- similar to the base mod it seems like a lot of the unlocks are sidegrades and not straight X-COM style upgrades? ended up just spamming heavy bolters and lascannons
- similar to base mod the tech tree felt complicated
- love all the new enemies but the stealth orks seems a bit OP, i have had to literally go tile by tile and sometimes Im right next to them and still cant see them
- love the voices
- i do like the cheaper upgrade costs for armor and MC ammo, very expensive in the base mod 
- is mind control in the game? thought the inquisitor armor would have something but it didnt, finished a base SM run and didnt find it either
- how viable is melee? didnt try it much

Overall cool mod, keep up the great work!

40k / Re: 40k
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:29:05 pm »
Love the mod, great work, I remember first trying it years ago, just completed a SM game on 029 recently, awesome that youre still adding stuff.

Now trying out Primaris. Are there any update notes? They seem strong at the start since they come with armor and the Assault Bolter is strong, I assume they dont get terminator armor? Do they ever unlock firstborn? I was able to do the reverse and unlock primaris on my firstborn save. Any details on the armor differences after soldier transformations?

Some thoughts on my completed playthrough:
- I was expecting X-COM style linear upgrades but overall most things seem like sidegrades? I went through the game mostly with the Heavy Bolter/Lascannon/Terminator Armor/Drop Pods. Research doesnt have that X-COM feeling of progression. I was excited to unlock all the weapons, armor, vehicles but when I looked at the stats didnt feel the need to use most of it.
- Speaking of research, was a bit confusing, had to refer to the tech tree post a lot
- Master crafted ammo finally has the damage upgrade but it seems really expensive and just went back to the starting heavy bolter ammo
- The advanced crafts had really slow refuel time? 5 instead of 50?
- Is mind control in the mod? Got librarian armor but never got MC
- Base defenses seem to happen even with grav shield and melta def?
- Is melee viable? Seemed very situational but only tried a bit with one Assault terminator/MC Thunder Hammer guy
- Especially love the unit voices

Overall love it, thanks and keep up the great work!

EDIT: More thoughts
- the corpses seem to take up a lot of storage space?
- the honor badge system feels a bit clunky
- liking the detail of the Primaris helmet colors changing with soldier type/rank change
- love all the different factions/races, any thoughts on Deathwatch rules or something that would let you use alien items?
- variety in the weapons is cool but feels like there are so many different patterns of bolters/lasguns/etc that are similar
- does researching all the enemies/corpses/items do anything besides fill out lore? feels bad spending the research time, at least the middle mouse click gives some hints though
- the different chapter recolors are a nice touch

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