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Messages - Emru

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: March 16, 2024, 09:41:03 pm »
Hey, I'm getting crash on startup on OXCE 7.12.1 due to negative number of HWP in crafts' definitions. XPiratez version is N7.0.1
I did 's/vehicle: -1/vehicle: 0/' on Piratez.rul, now it's launching.
Here is the log
Code: [Select]
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.12.1 (v2024-03-03)
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Platform: Linux
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Data folder is:
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Data search is:
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /home/user/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/bin/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - ./
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] User folder is: /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Config folder is: /home/user/.config/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Attempted locale: C.utf8
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Detected locale: C.utf8
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1356x727x8...
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Display set to 1356x727x8.
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Loading data...
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in '/usr/share/openxcom/'...
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Scanning user mods in '/home/user/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [WARN] Error in version number in mod 'piratez': unexpected symbol
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [WARN] Error in version number in mod 'OAK-RU': unexpected symbol
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [INFO] FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [INFO] Active mods:
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [INFO] - piratez vv.N7.0.1 OXCE 7.9.20
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [INFO] - piratezCitiesLore v0.336
[16-03-2024_20-32-03] [INFO] Loading begins...
[16-03-2024_20-32-03] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[16-03-2024_20-32-03] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[16-03-2024_20-32-03] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[16-03-2024_20-32-05] [WARN] Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: REGION_CITIES, zone: 2, area: 1
[16-03-2024_20-32-05] [WARN] Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: REGION_CITIES_3, zone: 1, area: 1
[16-03-2024_20-32-05] [WARN] Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: REGION_CITIES_4, zone: 1, area: 1
[16-03-2024_20-32-14] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[16-03-2024_20-32-14] [INFO] Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[16-03-2024_20-32-14] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_1
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_2
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_3
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_COLD
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HOT
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MAGMA
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_OLDEDAYS
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_ORANGE
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating transparency LUTs for PAL_BATTLESCAPE...
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating transparency LUTs for hybrid custom palettes...
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] After load.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ARMORED_CAR_NAZI_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ARMORED_CAR_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_AUR_2': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_AWAKENED_CORPSE': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_BOLSHOY_GUARD': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_CIVILIAN_KNIGHT_ERRANT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_CIVILIAN_TRIBAL': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_CYBERSCARAB_DRONE': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_DOOM_SPIDERDEMON_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_DREADKNIGHT': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_FIELD_GUN_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GHOST_GAL': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ARMORED_CAR': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_DETECTIVE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ELITE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ENFORCER_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_GENERAL_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_MP_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_HITLUR': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_KILLBOT_HERO': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_LOKNAR_VILLAGER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_NAZI_WARPSOLDIER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_OGRE_WORKER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_BRUTE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_BUGEYE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_FEMALE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_LAMIA_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_MALE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_RECON_DRONE': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ROBOT_MAID': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SKELETON_CIV': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SKELETON_SWAT': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SKELETON_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_GLADIATRIX': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_MAID': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_MANAGER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_SKILLED': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_VAULT_GIRL': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_VAULT_GUY': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WORKER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_ELITE': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_ELITE_FEM': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_GUARD': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_GUARD_FEM': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_SOLDIER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_SOLDIER_FEM': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_CANNON_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_HOVER_GAUSS_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_NAZI_CANNON_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_YEOMAN': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ZBOSS': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of crafts:
Error for 'STR_AIRBUS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRBUS_STANDARD': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRCAR': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRSPEEDER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRTRUCK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRVAN': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AVENGER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BATTLE_TAXI': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BIGENTRY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BIG_BIRD': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BIKES': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BRIG': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BUCKAROO': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CADILLAC': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CAVES_DROP_ENTRY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHARIOT': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHURCH_ENTRY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CONVOY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DELOREAN': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DELOREAN2': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DEVASTATOR': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DRAKKAR': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DROPSHIP': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_EXPEDITION': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FATSUB': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FAUST': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FIREFOX': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FIRESTORM': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FORTUNA': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FUEGO': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.

OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: May 06, 2023, 12:08:06 pm »
Can OXCE be also provided as source code packed into tar.gz or something? Many distros refuses to accept new packages that are built from git checkouted to particular commit
Thanks :)

From the Ashes / Re: From the Ashes META
« on: January 03, 2023, 01:32:51 am »
Is there anything going/anything playing? Or nobody cares about forums and sits on some kind of IRC?

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N2 Apocalyptic Edition 22-Oct-2022
« on: October 22, 2022, 04:50:49 pm »
Now compiling OXCE, I am really curious about this apoc equip

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: July 11, 2021, 02:08:40 pm »
Hi, I have a problem with starting XPiratez
OXCE 7.0.12, self compiled, Linux
XPiratez L9 downloaded from Moddb
Game does not load the mod, vanilla works just fine, game log reports error in XPiratez ruleset
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.0.12 (v2021-06-20)
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Platform: Linux
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Data folder is: /usr/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /usr/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /usr/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - ./
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   User folder is: /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Config folder is: /home/user/.config/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Attempted locale: en_US.utf8
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Detected locale: en_US.utf8
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1024x576x8...
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Display set to 1024x576x8.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in '/usr/share/openxcom/'...
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in '/home/user/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [ERROR]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   no master already active; activating xcom1
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading begins...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Pre-loading rulesets...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading vanilla resources...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets done.
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading ended.
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... Font.dat
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Lazy loading: 1
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Making palette backups...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Data loaded successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading language...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Language loaded successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[11-07-2021_13-00-34]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in '/usr/share/openxcom/'...
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in '/home/user/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [ERROR]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   - piratez vv.L9 OXCE 7.0 13-Mar-2021
[11-07-2021_13-01-48]   [INFO]   Loading begins...
[11-07-2021_13-01-48]   [INFO]   Pre-loading rulesets...
[11-07-2021_13-01-48]   [INFO]   Loading vanilla resources...
[11-07-2021_13-01-48]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[11-07-2021_13-01-54]   [WARN]   disabling mod with invalid ruleset: piratez
[11-07-2021_13-01-54]   [ERROR]   failed to load 'X-Piratez'; mod disabled
Error for 'STR_BOUNTY_HUNTING_CHALLENGE_MA': wrong node type, expected a map at line 112613

How can I fix it? Should I compile older version of OXCE? I found,9745.msg139493.html but I did not find solution. Has anyone the same problem?

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