Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: August 30, 2017, 01:06:12 am »I will address your points below, but first I would like to clarify that the FMP is not meant to change core features of the game. It is not an total conversion, it's more of an expansion pack. Therefore I haven't touched anything that would influence gameplay too much, except making laser and plasma way less available - that was necessary in order to do things I wanted to do.Well either i am too damn good in this game or the weapons still come really fast. Its october and i got heavy plasm in my repertoire (although i still go with shotguns as, well, they are fucking shotguns).
My current project, The X-Com Files, a successor to the Final Mod Pack, is much bolder with the changes.I suggest you edit the opening post of that project mod to describe what the mod actually is and also keep it update about the mods state. If you happen to surf to the forums mod section directly, without visiting openXcom first, there is little hints what the mod is all about. Would reduce WTF's/second.
This is an example of a vanilla feature I didn't dare to touch. What can be done is making starting soldiers, well, better. But it would take away the character development process from vanilla, and I didn't want to do that...Well, got any mod to point me to that would have soldiers that are worth 20k/month?
Honestly, in my headcannon for decades these people aren't even real soldiers, they are more like detectives looking for aliens around the world. Therefore, they lack proper training and learn on the fly. Doesn't make sense? Well, blame Microprose! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(The The X-Com Files mod capitalizes on this element, and also allows you to train these random chumps at your base before going on real missions. And gives them proper suits, ties and leather coats.)
Melee weapons are meant to be last resort, otherwise it'll be too good (like in some FPS games where knives are better than rifles). Is this done perfectly? Hell no. Can it be done better? Probably not with vanilla OXC engine.Well the stun rod has been the weapon for melee but as sometimes it simply does not offer enough juice I presumed the other weapons would offer more SMACK effect although with the cost of accuracy. I didn't suspect they would be attacks made eyes closed. I see it as a high risk vs reward tactical choice when burning most of your points to get up and personal with enemy geting reaction shots the whole way while getting there ending into no points to run into cower is balanced in my eyes. Lost good deal of soldiers while trying to brawl sectoids alone.
Again, it works better in The X-Com Files, mostly thanks to the training facility.Is that training facility a standalone mod and does it reduce the silly advanacement speed othervise?
That shouldn't happen... Unless you only have one last thing to get from a captive, and you start interrogating two captives. In this case only the first one researched will give you anything.It reduced significantly after i started to interrogating them one at time.
I don't quite follow... You can't sell an alien? Or are you referring to the fact that you've interrogated someone for nothing?After interrogation there is nothing left of the subject, neither corpse nor subject to be sold.
Was there in 2011, went to the Ropecon convention to give a lecture with Dioxine.About or really with?