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Messages - deathonredbull

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / Rebalanced?
« on: August 16, 2017, 06:38:14 pm »
Sorry if this has been raised countless times before: I started a game of Open X-Com yesterday for the first time ever, on beginner level. It seemed much harder than I remember it!

I have completed the vanilla game on PC and PS1, and distinctly remember that especially on beginner level, it introduces aliens and ships slowly; first you get small UFOs, then mediums, and so on. The first aliens you encounter are usually sectoids, and the game builds up to reveal the stronger enemies.

In my first game of beginner-level Open X-Com, I got a large UFO on day 1. Day 2 - terror mission. I responded to the terror mission, and my 8 man crew got obliterated by (at least) 4 cyberdiscs.

I may be going a bit mad, but the game didn't used to get that hard that quick, did it? On beginner?

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