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Messages - efrenespartano

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 52
In `facilities_UNEXCOM.rul` there's an invalid ruleset:

Code: [Select]
    #ammoMax: 8
    #rearmRate: 4

This results in an empty item, which is not allowed since 2 years ago already.

Correct commenting out would look like this:

Code: [Select]
#    ammoMax: 8
#    rearmRate: 4

Thanks for the heads-up, Big M! Cool as always.  8)

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 26, 2024, 10:49:48 am »
Looks pretty good.
This is the final edit, dunno if you guys poured any work into it yet, rearranged some things in it pretty much (dark gray is a faded dark brown now). I don't think I can get the thing any better. A "noir" version of it could be made for the hell level.

Great, gotta try it as well! Not gonna lie, tho, I enjoy your dark gray a lot hahaha, I'm a bit hesitant to change it for brown.

How does a mod like this work with medi kits and research between missions ?
Medikits are going to be self usable, I see no purpose of having a vanilla Medikit with UI. The research, in short, is a progressive understanding of the demon forces, with tougher enemies over the course of the game. The weapons are also available over the curse of the campaign (e.g. the Plasma Gun is going to be available in mid game)

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 25, 2024, 11:02:43 pm »
If you're going to do doom stuff it needs Revenants who are fast with strong melee damage, use the high quality doom sound pack for their punch sfx too. And a decently powered accurate ranged attack too with the right sfx. X-P doesn't have Revenants.

Yeah, we must make the Revenant boi! I have all the ripped OG spritesheets, it's just a matter of converting it to the OXC format.

I think there needs to be a Cyber too but I don't know if it can be done without squishing it. But remember there is that cyberized Baron style thing from eviternity and realm667 and its head maybe can be replaced by a cyber's shrunk down.

The Cyberdemon lad would definitely require a resize. The dude is so tall it cannot fit the OXC unit size haha
We have this Hell Baron sheet, although the IDT boi who got it didn't recalled who adapted it, dunno if you know so I can properly credit them.

Is Mancubus 2x2 monster possible with a low accuracy fireball burst spread? Id make them 1 radius spread explosions maybe 50ish damage.

Possible, once I find the spritesheet hahah.

My opinion is also among weapons...
Plasma Gun should do about 40ish equivalent damage because its like a battle rifle or machinegun in what it does, its just lightweight and easy to manage (40 ammo per cell makes the most sense, the gun pickup in game gives you 40 cells). Aimed burst 4 shots, Snap Shot burst 4 shots and Auto Shot 8 shots.

Great idea, lad. I'll balance it around your thoughts.

Also openxcom doesn't support BFG dymanics but the original alpha (bfg 2701) was a plasma blunderbuss on steroids, and the quake 3 version of it was like a plasma scorcher but less damage (id say bursts of 4 shots with maybe a 5 tile radius spread, make the damage do what you want it to).

Hahaha we actually did a poll among the players and testers and everyone voted for making the BFG a big-ass shotgun.

Chaingun aimed burst 2 shots, snap burst 4 shots, auto shot 6 shots.

Make sure UAC rocket launcher takes down (tough) enemies in the equivalent number of shots like it should.

Imp fireballs should be piddly and only somewhat accurate (like overall 45-50% chance), remember they do less damage than a single plasma gun shot, but id give them a burst or auto(x3) attack available. Maybe give it good penetration compared to its (25ish) damage so it does chip damage.

Aye, good balance notes! Gotta implement them as well.

dont consider this like an official thing but it makes some creative adjustments towards the colors from the original game and some things people have popped into various map packs. Mainly I increased the number of gray colors, added and changed the greens (doom 1 was known for having alot of green marble and nukage). Purple became pinky skin tone, and pinkish became flesh tone on the brighter colors. There's a good amount of browns available in xcom/xp pal so those weren't really modified.

Its not perfect but its an attempt.

edit (3:37am)
this one is much better, sampled skin tones from screenshots, yellow range is archvile fire, orange is slightly more orange cream
brightened darker tones, pure black is on index 255

one noteworthy issue may be paper doll style graphics for skin tones will look more oompa loompa because skin tone is now where that faded pink used to be, so a color replacer sorta thing can be done to recolor them if necessary (its more accurate for skin in any case).

Oh my, this palette looks so damn nice! Thanks for making it, RSSwizard. Gotta try it ASAP.

EDIT: I just tested the palette! Here are the results:

First three screens are for comparison, the rest have your new palette. Some Martian terrains look better than others! But i definitely love the new Skyranger-gray, green and red scales. I think I must change the color of the UI windows to index 255, as the current color makes the bigObs look blurish. My pal Kiro Xei really liked it, he said it "seems to look like almost realism."

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 25, 2024, 10:58:40 am »
XCOM + DOOM is such a good addiction.  ;D

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 24, 2024, 06:03:02 pm »
Hah seem like you know a lot more about DOOM modding than me!

No, the mod i'm talking to is a DOOM-themed mod for OpenXcom Extended. Basically we collected all the OG assets spread around the community into one, single mod.

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 23, 2024, 05:14:30 am »
RSSWizard, could we use your Noir palette for the DOOM mod we're making? I think it would be perfect for the late Hell stages. With credits, of course!

Im not the author of that palette though.
Still, you adapted it to the OXC format, innit? who was the original creator?

IDT Modding Hub / Re: Doom mod - IDT community Project
« on: October 13, 2024, 12:59:57 pm »
DOOM mod is finally alive, after so many years!  :D ;D

Get it from

Currently on sandbox mode, the mod is active and WIP.

Code: [Select]
September 18th, 2024

Version: 0.1
- Initial public release
> Added UAC Marine
> Added Hell forces: Zombie, Lost Soul, Imp, Demon, Cacodemon, Spectre, Hell Baron
> New starting UAC weapons, sprites by various creators
- UAC Pistol
- UAC Assault Rifle
- UAC Shotgun
- UAC Chain Gun
- UAC Rocket Launcher
- Chain Saw
> New Advanced UAC weapons, sprites by Badfella
- UAC Advanced Pistol
- UAC Advanced Assault Rifle
- UAC Advanced Shotgun
- UAC Advanced SMG
- UAC Adv. Rocket Launcher
- UAC Heavy Nailgun
- Chain Saw
> Added Filip's ammo resprite script


Version 0.0
> Initial private releases
> Gathered DOOM assets, by Luke83

XPiratez / Re: Noir palette
« on: October 13, 2024, 12:17:08 pm »
experimenting with this, inspired by a doom palette
red and gray sin city style noir

Excellent experiment! It definitely gave me Sin City vibes. Any plans on making it a submod and release it?

very good experiment, bravo! Fonts are also very futuristic and cool, might these be a mod to download?

It's the Condensed Font, grab it from here! Quite interesting to use, although a bit difficult to read on smaller screens.

IDT Modding Hub / Re: [TC][OXCE][SMALL MOD] World Resistance | Beta v0.3
« on: October 08, 2024, 10:16:56 pm »


Resistance Fans Community on Discord


This is Beta test v0.3, more enemy units and alien weapons are added to increase the variety, plus much needed health items!


Code: [Select]
08-October-2024: World Resistance Beta v0.3
Changes made:
* Fixed issue with Chimeran Conversion Center mission terrain list, reported by MitraLightbringer
* Solved issue with missing Hybrid live alien item, reported by NecroDiego
* Added human (Bandages and Medical Bag) and Chimera (Sym-Bac) health items, requested by Leonardo D. & NecroDiego
* Added Chimeran Weapons, by efrenespartano & Brain64
    - Sixeye Sniper Rifle
    - Hunter DMR
    - Plasma Repeater Pistol
    - Brute Minigun
* Added Chimeran Units, by efrenespartano
    - Steelhead, Soldier and Sniper
    - Advanced Hybrid, Soldier and Sharpshooter
    - Ravager
    - Hammer, by drages
* Added missing terrain strings, by TigasZ8
* Small buff to Black Ops' bravery, stamina and TUs, suggested by TigasZ8

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP]X-Mars
« on: October 02, 2024, 06:08:20 am »
It is always a problem. English is not my native language, so if someone wants to help with formatting...

Oh, I totally understand you! English isn't my mother tongue neither, so there are bad typos on my older texts.
Recently, the corpo leadership where I work instructed us to use Grammarly, an AI tool to... well, improve grammar haha. I've seriously considered to use it on my mods as well, it's really useful! If you don't mind, I could give it a try to clean and improve your English texts. And, if you are interested, perhaps a Spanish translation too! I'm in a crusade to translate all the mods I use, so I can share them with my local pals as well.

Using GlobeEditor and a lot of Mars maps. This is a third version, first two was... unpleasant to see at.
My hats off for you, good sire. You made such a great job! Specially on my favorite Martian region, Tharsis Montes.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP]X-Mars
« on: October 01, 2024, 10:33:00 pm »
Patton is a size of all X-com base. Maybe slightly bigger. So no x-com dreadnoughts, sorry.

Hahaha that actually makes sense, I've always pictured the Patton-class starships as slightly larger than Avengers... Until I searched a picture of them on Google. Tbh I didn't finished X-Com Interceptor, so I didn't considered the size hah.

Allied Ascidian-human hybrids are planned.

So nice! Cannot wait to see them.

The only point I'd suggest to improve it's the proofreading and formatting of the texts. Some sentences aren't correctly capitalized and some others could be restructured to be cleaner. But bah, it's just a minor nitpicking on my side. I'm enjoying a lot this mod!

How did you made the globe, btw? The northern lowlands seem larger than I recalled!

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP]X-Mars
« on: October 01, 2024, 09:11:59 pm »
Thanks, i have seen your mod. But decide to make my own assets as much as i can.

If you try it, hope you like it! Apes Mars mods strong together.

Some feedback:

I liked a lot the textures you used on your Arescape. I also enjoyed the new spin you gave on the vanilla lasers. The Pirates are fun to engage. And the quite extensive tech tree is definitely a pleasant surprise. The EXO feature is a good implemention of the mana. Doesn't feels oppressive so far, haven't ran out of Oxygen yet. Taking into account the weight of the equipment is very important for rocket launching and your take on that is cool. I loved your base sprites, they are so cool! I hope you add the Patton-class ship soon.

Cannot wait to engage the new aliens in the campaign, I've had some skirmishes against them on the Battle Generator. Their "organically infested" aesthetic is creepy, I like it. Perhaps you could go for something like the Infested Terran style too?

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP]X-Mars
« on: October 01, 2024, 08:07:14 am »

I love how there is a surge of Martian projects on going! I'll totally play it once it's done and knowing your previous work, I'm sure it will be the highest quality possible!

Btw, feel free to grab any Martian stuff from my own Mars mod, UNEXCOM: War on Mars. I collected terrains made by liberator, cevaralien and our own.

IDT Modding Hub / Re: [TC][OXCE][SMALL MOD] World Resistance | Beta v0.2
« on: September 09, 2024, 01:20:43 am »


Resistance Fans Community on Discord


This is Beta test v0.2, the first story arc "Gray Tech" and endgame conditions are in, plus several Geoscape activity. Balance feedback on weapons and interception is appreciated!


Code: [Select]
08-September-2021: World Resistance Beta 0.2
Changes made:
* Added SRPA Black Ops Soldier
* Added three Black Ops suits (Tactical, Infiltration & Expeditionary), , sprites by efrenespartano & Dr. Hans Woofington
* Added Human Weapons:
    - M2A1 Clovis AR (US)
    - M1A1 Thompson SMG (US)
    - Rossmore Combat Shotgun (UK)
    - L206 LAARK Launcher (UK)
    - HE.44 Magnum (SRPA), by _Brain322
    - HVAP Wraith Minigun (SRPA), _Brain322
* Enabled campaign, added three missions (maps by Luke83):
    - Conversion Center Raid
    - Chimeran Tower Assault
    - Chimeran Hub Tower Offensive
* Added Gray Tech story arc, which leads to the endgame mission
* Added lore reports, by efrenespartano & Lord_Kane
* Added Human Crafts:
    - F-86 Sabre (US), by efrenespartano
    - VTOL (SRPA), by bulletdesigner
* Added Craft Weapons, by efrenespartano:
    - .50 Cal MG
    - 20mm Cannon
    - 30mm Cannon
    - A-A Missile
    - Fuel Tank
    - Experimental Thurster
    - Armor Plates
* Updated Portuguese, French & Italian translations, by TigasZ8
* Added Spanish (LATAM) translation, by efrenespartano
* Added CMP Extended v0.8, by the Community Map Pack staff
* Custom globeLabels and redesigned borders to better fit the lore of the games

IDT Modding Hub / Re: [TC][OXCE][SMALL MOD] World Resistance | Alpha 0.1
« on: August 28, 2024, 06:38:05 am »


Resistance Fans Community on Discord


This is Alpha Test v1.0. Battlescape only, with several human and Chimera weapons. The aim of this version is to settle the balance for the project. The overall idea is getting a faster pace with reduced TUs per action.


Code: [Select]
24-August-2024: World Resistance Alpha v0.1
Changes made:
* Added Chimeran Hybrid, by efrenespartano
* Added Chimeran Weapons, by efrenespartano
- Bullseye Mk.1
- Bullseye Mk.2
- Auger Mk.1
- Auger Mk.2
* Added US Army Soldier, sprites by Dr. Hans Woofington
* Added Human weapons, by efrenespartano
- M5A2 Folsom Carbine (US)
- M1911 Colt (US)
- L23 Fareye (UK)
- Storm Rifle (Maquis)
* Added background menu image, by LegoLiam1803
* Added background images, by Ghartzay
* Added new custom UI
* Added Portuguese translations, by TigasZ8

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