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Messages - kaprizka

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 23, 2017, 11:22:42 pm »
Yes and no, because new races new weapons and new tech that opens some new stuff, is performed by FMP but maybe not so good balanced as needed for complex propper functionalities.

For example: in 1/3 and 2/3 parts of game its critically need good suit like synth suit but there is no mutons from whom i possible to "disassemble" parts for suit. FMP contain mod that incert muton commanders, so i expect that of course muton solders will be too, but.. no mutons in game process. Why? Meybe some mods  have bugs and kill mutons chance activity or missions i dont know, but i'm sure mutons must be in game process. So i feedback it like FMP bug.

Example 2: FMP contain mod that insert new Juggernaut suit. Its very protective suit in that u may ate to face a full round from laser sectopod without emotions even without damage... but... Cryssalids with one strike turn u into zombie. HOW ITS POSSIBLE???? Its some kind of cosmo-magic? And one more strange thing whith this suit: dont step in fire tile at the end of turn -- u start to burn and take damage incide it. So it have laser resist but no fire resist? Where the logic? I'm sure this situation can be fixed w/o editing core code. Maybe i'm wrong.

And so on..

BTW in top of my post  versions of OpenXcom thay works. When 1.9.7 released I just download newest version of platform and try it on that. Not working till i replace new .rul file by old version.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 23, 2017, 07:56:11 pm »
Ok, just end cydonia mission. So feedback. 1 Half of game it was openxcom_git_master_2017_03_15_1915, 2 half --  openxcom_git_master_2017_04_02_0910
 portable install. lvl 3 difficulty. W/o psy. About 1 year game time.

1. Science not so understanding and endless. In other words it's very strange and not intuitive research map. For example it's very strange that u cant research aliens weapon simple for use whithout product it, but u can sell them out (who need it? Why?)...Same question about alien ships weapon. What kind of weapon they use on ships? When I have plasma cannons on my ships it's still need shorten distance to start attack than ufo. WTF? Ok, if that, I want grab this gun from ufo when capture it, research and use on my ships. In fact most part of the game I was forced to use only avalanshes.

Laser cannons -- useless piese of crap and need strong rebalance.

Btw about research "Cydonia or die" in my game opens without destoying any bases. I think it needs less quantity of leaders and commanders in ufo's. Or maybe only commanders can drop a datachip. And hey where's the datachips about alien bases location??? No datachips? Okeey just for example: in my third part of game the cerebreal race build a base on earth... I follow their supply ship to the place of landing, but didn't find the base. I capture their ship and of course didn't find any enter. I sent AWACKS to non-stop pathrol that point and didn't find any base. About 2 game months AWACKS and Darkstar together pathrol that point and..didn't find any base... Btw first sectiod base i find by raven when it simply returning from dogfight. And yes, ravens pathrol with AWACKS and Darkstar periodically too. Seems need to review criteria of chance of finding aliens bases.

When research authopsy ends there are no messages about that u may now disassemble something. It's logical that u recieve messages about all new ingeneering manipulations after any type of research. Or at least text in the end of authopsy research descripion.
And WTF? I cant kill any captured aliens for parts or authopsy on my own base! Even sectopods!

2.  Elerium mace didn't work properly. In fact stunning mace still work better even on sectoid. Only use paralyse granades when research. Example: about 15 times elerium mace attack or 4! paralyse grenades work the same on gaser solder.

Rail pistol seems need to be rebalance in cost of AP and accuracy. In fact when u choose between Rail, plasma and nuclear laser pistols rail is a bit useful. Same to Rail Sniper rifle. IMHO if some weapon have autoshot regime, it must cost less AP than Snap because main idea for autoguns weapon is to do more dpm with less accuracy then snap weapons. Maybe some weapons need to disable autoshot regime at all to be more reality.

3. Last patch didnt work.  Error on load commendations_FMP.rul. Tested on openxcom_git_master_2017_04_02_0910 and the last on apr 18. And after that all mods will need to turn off and reinstall.

Muton, Waspite, Reptiloid races not met at all the time. Maybe seem 4 Mutons in Cydonia. So cant product synth suit. Obliterators was not met too.

Luke's extra UFOs addon didnt work untill I installed it separate.

4. Needs:
---Training centre for recruits to increase their base skills (shot/stamina/str/react/throw/melee) Depending on the difference of ranks of teacher and recruits  (yes u need to assign one of high ranked soldiers for work in centre) they will train faster or more effective.
---Medical center and medical research branch, so now u can research alien med tech and.. cant use it in any way (medpack dont count). It's very irrational in small military&research organization.

Thank u all. Have lot of Fun and a bit of nostalgia. Good work! But dont stop.

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