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Messages - Elemiach

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99H1 - 15 Sep - Under A Killing Moon
« on: October 25, 2017, 10:06:51 pm »

Anyways, the game is so challenging that even the GUI itself challenges me so, with each new version of the mod. Why another category change :'( the melee category is gone, now I have to learn dmg types unless I want to scroll thought pages and pages of stuff I always take on the mission with me (because YOU NEVER KNOW).

Man, these new categories(img in attch.) are a step back from the previous ones.

I can assume that Dioxine wanted to streamline them for new players and that's why everything is packed into small sections - Well, I already know the role of every available gun and utility. But with time I can learn to navigate through them, its fine (even though in my opinion broader categories are better because more data = better ;D but really now I have to scroll through dozen of categories just to transfer some guns). But this is a minor problem, as I said I can get used to it.

What I cannot get used to is the fact that a lot of the items are not assigned to any category whatsoever.
That's a show stopper to me. Now when I want to transfer for example some plasteel and space electronics (optronics) to my factory in Africa I have to chose those items from the all item list and its a fucking chore I tell you. Could you please explain the logic behind this decision?

XPiratez / Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« on: April 05, 2017, 10:02:39 pm »
random weapon deterioration - is this a thing? Game is not clear about that and I cannot find any information on it. From time to time I keep losing "solid" items like for example cattle prods or just recently my hard earned gyro auto gun. I am of course not talking about limited use items or item destruction.

This "thing" is driving me mad. I cannot find any information on what it is and I cannot successfully intercept it, at least with my current equipment/vessels. Obviously this some sort of a NPC expedition but that's all I know. This is the second time these dudes are swarming the region, they just fuck around and then leave. This is really making me uneasy ;D 25mm cannon is unable to hit while the 50mm version blasts them off the surface of earth. I even tried a brilliant idea of chasing them with my own expeditions - kinda dumb idea in a hindsight.

Guys please, explain this mystery to me or I swear I am going to go insane by the end of this playthrough.

btw. Great mod Dioxine! I cannot remember the last time I was so invested in a video game. XPiratez is the best thing I played in years.

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