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Messages - jeancallisti

Pages: [1]
Please note:
- that this does not directly concern Open XCOM, but rather the Yaml library it relies on,
- that I don't have permissions to modify the wiki pages (neither here nor on the yaml project), so I can't just add the info there,
- that I'm only just posting this here because it may help someone out in the future.

Symptoms :
- After generating the Visual Studio 2012 (Visual Studio 11) solution using CMake, when you try to build it, you get a bunch of "C2977" compiling errors complaining about std::tuple.

1) right-click on the yaml-cpp-whatever project inside Visual Studio
2) Properties, C/C++, Preprocessor, All Configurations All Platforms, Preprocessor Definitions, <Edit...>
3) add before <different options> the following row :
4) Now yaml should build properly

Explanations :
- This is caused by a poorly chosen setting in VS2012, that was later fixed in VS2013
- More explanations here :

Suggestions / Re: Time to upgrade the resolutions offered
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:19:04 pm »
Use geoscape scale "original"

Oh. Well that's weird. OK, good to know. Thanks.

Suggestions / Re: Time to upgrade the resolutions offered
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:08:13 pm »
EDIT: I've replaced the lengthy explanations with an image in first post.

These filters are not available for base view. That's my point. Only for geoscape and battlefield -- and they were created for very specific purposes (either enhancing resolution, or enlarging the view). The issue here is that the base view is tiny no matter what.

Suggestions / Re: Time to upgrade the resolutions offered
« on: June 28, 2016, 02:52:59 pm »
EDIT: I've replaced the lengthy explanations with an image in first post.

I did not understand your answer. as I said my issue is not about hi-res versus low res. My issue is that everything is too tiny.
Changing the "resolution" in the game only changes the size of the rendering window. The contents size follows its size. therefore, if I choose a small resolution, I'll have a tiny window containing tiny graphical elements. If I choose a large resolution, then I'll have a large window, but its contents still use up an insufficient portion of it, and are therefore still too small on a 1920x12xx physical screen.

That's my point: no matter the resolution, the base is always too small for the eye.

Suggestions / Time to upgrade the resolutions offered
« on: June 28, 2016, 11:13:45 am »
EDIT : I've replaced the text with a picture to make everything clearer
I've never used OpenXCom before, but something was obvious to me :
- The geoscape view can be upscaled using filters, but it's obviously to benefit of additional details, thanks to the higher resolution
- The battlefield can be upscaled, but for the same reason :  to benefit of a larger view of the battlefield, thanks to the higher resolution

However, the Base view is stuck at low res.

My issue, though, is not hi-res versus lo-res.
My issue is that OpenXCom is hard to play on modern screens with giant resolutions (1920x1280...) because the base view appears tiny. Even the scaled up geoscape and battlefield views are also starting to reach their limit and could be much larger in the game window.

I think it's time you start thinking about some sort of zooming system in the video options. Just a simple nearest neighbour scaling up in 2x or 3x or 4x (or 5x or more, for the future), to keep the game playable.


On a side note: I've been part of such projects and I know that this kind of stuff can require quite a lot of refactoring. The simpler way goes through just upscaling the rendering. The harder way goes through rethinking the size and font of buttons and popup windows. With the irritating issue of mixed resolutions (e.g. a higher font resolution in a 320x200 game). We trust you with that ;)

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