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Messages - gibbousmoon

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.98F - 13 May - Airbus Adventures
« on: May 23, 2016, 01:49:26 pm »
First things first: The mod appears to work now!  After replacing the cfg file with the one you just gave me.  I haven't tried playing yet, but the font problem is now gone.  So my .cfg file appears to have been the locus of the problem.  I'll post again if there are problems, but it looks like you fixed my problem for me.  Thank you!

The nitty gritty:

The extra directory within Steam is because Steam uses DOSBox.  The Steam directory is for the Steam game (essentially DOSBox, preconfigured to run this game), and within that directory is the game which is to be emulated.  To make your instructions compatible with Steam, you may want to update them as I described.

Just so you know, I didn't delete any files beyond the directories you listed.  And your "shouldn't give you trouble" statement was correct.

I'm not clear what other steps you want me to describe.  That I clicked on the link and downloaded the file?  That I unpacked it using 7zip?  Is that actually helpful to you?  What steps am I missing?  As you said earlier, the way you have this packaged is such that it doesn't require any installation at all.  Other than moving the copyrighted files into a directory, what steps are there?

Readme, shmeadme.  If you don't want to move readme files around, that's fine with me.  As I said earlier, I'm not inclined to care, now that I know where the real readme is.  If you want to make your distribution more idiot-proof, on the other hand...

Finally, regarding the issue at hand:  My theory is that upon running it the first time, a .cfg file is created that--due to my particular configuration(?)--spawns the problem.  Are you curious enough to want me to try and duplicate the issue, then send you the problematic .cfg file?

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.98F - 13 May - Airbus Adventures
« on: May 23, 2016, 12:05:27 pm »
I agree that you shouldn't delete the openxcom readme.  Perhaps you can move your own readme to the parent directory (maybe even name it README FIRST), so that someone doesn't get caught up in installation shenanigans which aren't relevant to your particular distribution method.  It's my own fault that I didn't look more carefully to see if multiple readmes were in the package, but others might make the same mistake.

I tried installing the game on my Win10 work laptop today, and the exact same problem exhibited.  Which means it is either a non-OS specific bug or it is a mistake that I am making both times.  So let me describe exactly what I do to install.

1. In accordance with the readme, I "- Copy files from your original "UFO: Enemy Unknown"/"X-Com: UFO Defense" folder to the "OpenXcom_XPiratez/UFO" folder."

2. "GEODATA/WORLD.dat not found."

3. I realize the instructions are probably not correct.  So instead I copy all the files from "XCom UFO Defense/XCOM" folder to the OpenXcom_XPiratez/UFO folder.

4. Now the game runs.  I get the Microprose splashscreen followed by a screen with "OpenXCom Extended 2.9+ [v2016-05-05]" and six buttons (options, exit, etc.)  All six buttons have their fonts replaced by question marks.  If I click on one, the next screen also has all of its buttons labeled with question marks only.

Because I did not follow the instructions exactly (steps 2 and 3), perhaps I am making a mistake somewhere in there.  Ideas?

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.98F - 13 May - Airbus Adventures
« on: May 23, 2016, 02:03:01 am »
Come on dude, you love to be insulted or what? It was just a figure of speech not any personal attack. I was just making (forcefully) a point that you did it the 'too smart' way. Also I put a lot of work into making it as easy as possible, by basically giving you package with almost everything set up from get-go.
You don't need any language files from Steam, the mod has everything except original copyrighted UFO files. Also what oxcom readme...? That .md file? Shit my omission, I left it in the main directory because I had no idea what it is. But I cannot delete it since it is OpenXcom and that'd be uncool.
Also OXCom is a wholly different beast than Piratez now - divergent paths. OXCom's architecture and relation with Steam changed since that fork began, while Piratez play by old rules in that aspects - all improvements have been towards gameplay only, not Steam integration (personally I don't even use Steam so no love loss here).

Not insulted at all.  I was making a point right back at you, letting you know why I didn't find it as "retardedly easy" as you think I ought to have.  You can take the feedback and use it, or you can be offended by it.  Or ignore it altogether.  I'm not inclined to care.

In any case, it's academic, since the game is impossible to play without being able to read anything.  Since you didn't mention my problem at all, I'll assume you're just as stumped as I.  I didn't use any special language files; just copy-pasted all the files in the XCOM directory in Steam.  Do you think getting my hands on a gog version instead might fix my issue?

Speaking of reading, a file which is called "README" is usually a readme. :P

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.98F - 13 May - Airbus Adventures
« on: May 22, 2016, 10:04:35 am »
Yes, it was "retardedly easy" once I figured out that I was supposed to ignore the confusing mod installation instructions in the main directory (in the openxcom readme) and instead look specifically at the xpiratez readme (which is not in the main directory when you unpack the .rar). ;)  Because I am new to both openxcom and this mod (and was linked directly to this forum thread from outside the website), it was not immediately apparent.

If that mistake makes me "retarded," then so be it.

I grabbed the files from a fresh English-language installation from Steam.  Vanilla openxcom works fine and doesn't exhibit the bug, by the way.

I wonder if it's a Unicode problem?

I'm running win7 pro 64bit.  I should have mentioned that in my initial post.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.98F - 13 May - Airbus Adventures
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:34:00 am »
OK, I finally got this to run (using the download linked on the front page), but all the text labels (for "new game," "options," etc.) have been replaced by ????????  ??????  ???????.

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

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