Hope the project will continue to develop. I've got a feature request - filter in MCDs list when selecting what to place by tile type (floor, n wall, w wall, object or no filter) based on what we select for placement (top right corner). I know there are some rare cases when you need to place an object in the slot of the wall, so this filtering should be enabled with option.
Is it hard to do? For now, I don't see much trouble.
That would greatly help with working with huge (close to the limit) terrains.
Shouldn't be hard, just time-consuming to ensure the filtering resets when necessary and that it doesn't have other side effects elsewhere.
I updated the code base to match recent OXCE to do some testing for Meridian, so if you want to compile a new version with recent OXCE changes, source is here:
https://github.com/ohartenstein23/OpenXcom/tree/battlescape-editorI'll provide compiled binaries if and when I get around to new features.