There is a quote from a high quality mod for one of the best game ever that says: "I have opened the mayor. When the power drops... Go in... Go in... Go in and Go in... Like the U.S. marshall and his three daughters... and we lose the vaccine..." well do operation was something like that.
My team was a veteran 18 member squad, my problem was that i wasnt prepared for the operation, my tactics are overwhelming the enemy with mortars, long bows and heavy weapons from a large distance, then sending gals with big blades, so i didnt have any good weapons, nor my dear panzerfausts
When the manor mission appeared i had no weapons, the best i had were 3 laser pistols, 2 tazers and handles, but i had some blackpowder bombs and spikeballs.
As for equipment i could carry medical equipment and aye-phones.
For the operation per se was not hard, blackpowder and spikeballs were the most useful weapons as i could throw them to upper floor with deadly accuracy plas the enemy had low armor so it was a 1 Hit-kill, but it quickly turned into something tedious finding the missing the missing enemies, i found one in a tower that was isolated from the entire compound so i had to punch a hole with a laser pistol, this tower had an occult room.
As i said before my only handguns were 3 laser pistols, but i could quickly find other handguns for my sharpshooters, the same goes for hand-to-hand weapons.
At the end of the battle, most of the gals were panicking the reason for this is that i spent many turns finding the last enemy.
As for the loot, the most valuable where Mutant Porn, lingerie, jewels.
On the other side i found an item i had never seen before ( i finished the game twice ) called Illegaly enriched uranium.
Money comes in handy as i need it to build a large scale factory base.
Balance: Boring and Tedious, except for the items mentioned above there are not many reasons to take this missions.