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Messages - FlyingSaucer

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correction: this is not the version that ships with steam

this is the modified version of the T'leth map provided with xcomutils.

Thanks for the clarification. I did indeed use a steam version with xcom util additions as the base when importing the assets for OpenXcom's TFTD.  I never knew it made any alterations to the final map like that.

Suggestions / Re: Diffirent corpses
« on: March 25, 2016, 05:01:15 pm »
I think he means how the same sprite is always used to represent killed sectoids.

Is there even a mechanism in place currently to use varied sprites for the same entity?  If so it would benefit more than just more interesting corpses, you could also have slightly different sprites for alien soldiers, squad leaders, commanders, wounded soldiers and aliens, just about anything you could think of.

The map you are dealing with is the one that ships with Steam, I believe.  Yep, its kinda hacked to skip the spiral.  There are other versions available that you could find on the internet that restore that level to all of its grueling, grinding, glory.

Aha, very interesting.  I did indeed sue the steam version for the base.  Guess that explains that.

Open Feedback / TFTD Terrain bug on final level of T'leth? [spoilery]
« on: March 24, 2016, 10:24:24 pm »
First off, spoilers ahead if you have not beaten TFTD. Turn back now!

I have encountered an issue with the final level of the last mission in TFTD, namely the third level where you assault the Alien Horror.  In the original game, the level was a large spiral, that you had to work your way around, before finally making it to the tomb chamber in the center of the map.

I got to this level in T'leth in OpenXcom TFTD, and imagine my surprise when I found a door leading to the Alien Horror immediately off the access lift at the start of the level.  See the linked image.  All it took was 2 MC attacks and a 2 disruptor launcher shots to defeat the level. On the very first turn no less.  I am assuming this is some kind of bug with the terrain placement and that opening is not supposed to be there?

Or did I miss something REALLY obvious on my play through of the original game?

image can be found here:

Suggestions / Re: Play as the Alien Menace
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:27:51 pm »
This sounds great indeed, but requires making a lot of small-sized terrains for ship / coast attacks. Because battles that you initiate will be in plain air, except in the rare cases where you shoot down a XCOM ship.

I imagine there would be a fair number of downed flying sub defenses as well.  Or defending your subs that have landed to perform a mission.

I could see defending crashed flying subs/UFOs, especially early on, as a way to attempt to stall X-COM research progress.  They can't research what they don't recover.

Suggestions / Re: Play as the Alien Menace
« on: March 19, 2016, 04:37:22 am »
Geez, this is something I have always wanted since I really got into X-Com back on my first UFO playthrough all those years ago.  I'd kill for a full game from the alien's perspective.

I always thought TFTD would be the best candidate for it as the alien forces in the game have a position somewhat more similar to X-COM when compared to the first game.  They have a single earthly starting "base" in their city of T'leth, as opposed to starting on Mars in the first game.  T'leth is also ancient and being reawakened, something you could easily translate into a pacing mechanic for alien development.  Say instead of building new facilities, the aliens "reactivate" dormant but already existing facilities in T'leth, with different facilities requiring different resources gathered from flying sub missions to be completed, but also granting new subs/tech/aliens as they are brought back online.  The aliens win by reactivating the ultimate alien cryo chamber, X-COM wins by preventing it and conducting a successful attack on T'leth

Those are my two cents at any rate

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