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Messages - carbine

Pages: [1]
I am on Linux as well, the nightlies windows version run fine under wine. Just download, unzip, repeat the copying you did earlier to
the nightly folder, and you should be good to go.

Work In Progress / Re: Big Anouncement
« on: February 06, 2016, 05:36:33 pm »
Thank you for the input. Which fighter jet do you think the Interceptor was modeled after, I think either the F-15 or Mig-29.

Work In Progress / Re: Big Anouncement
« on: February 05, 2016, 10:56:02 pm »
Thanks for the reply. The Skyranger is a VTOL capable  aircraft, but could not find any info on the Interceptors if they are capable of VTOL. May use a
lift for them, or maybe use Harrier jets.

Work In Progress / Re: Big Anouncement
« on: February 05, 2016, 08:28:18 pm »
Hello working on the base today and have a question about the access lift. Is it operated like the picture below with a hydraulic ram, or is it like an elevator with cables?

Work In Progress / Re: Big Anouncement
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:49:38 pm »
The base commander would take one look at that guy and assign him the call name of "Redshirt"  and make sure he was the first off the Skyranger.

Work In Progress / Re: Big Anouncement
« on: February 03, 2016, 05:52:14 pm »
Ok here is 4 different sizes, #4 is the original. Hope nobody votes for the pinhead.

Work In Progress / Re: Big Anouncement
« on: February 03, 2016, 05:36:26 pm »
I can make them smaller but then you lose the facial details. I made a headless template for adding different heads. I will make up a picture
with different sizes and people can vote on the best size.

Work In Progress / Re: Big Anouncement
« on: February 03, 2016, 05:26:34 pm »
Hello xracer, yes it is a big project but I have the time now. I am paying homage to the greatest game ever made
and would to keep things original where I can. Did not like the look of the rifle so currently modding the soldier sprite
to have an ak47. Only 2 more directions to do. The base commander is working on a low budget and got a whole truckload of
them for $1000. Redrawing where I have to, mostly doubling then using Gimp to smooth out the edges, recolor the boots, add
in different heads and helmets. I quickly threw the picture below together to show the difference. I can have low, mid, and
high res all in the same scene. Found a really nice addon for Gimp for changing pictures to isometric which is a great time

Work In Progress / Re: Big Anouncement
« on: February 02, 2016, 04:10:20 pm »
If only we could trade skills for a month or so and I could automate all of the tedious and boring parts.

Work In Progress / Big Anouncement
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:05:08 am »
Hello OpenXcom community, big anouncement. Xcom movie coming to a computer screen near you soon(ish). This is not going to be movie commonly seen on Youtube or similar site where game footage is recorded and slapped together with duct tape and called a movie. This is a full fledged movie with actors, sets, props, and more explosions and pixelized death you can shake your stick at. I am going to do this movie in the style of Claymation, move an actor and take a picture then combine all pictures into video, mostly because of lack of skillset to automate most of the things I would like to accomplish. The tests I have done don't take long to do and look really nice. If you would like to part of this massive project (world first) any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to be in this movie(pointing at you lead developers and modders and anybody else reading this) send me or upload on here all 8 directions of a head picture of you in the Xcom isometric view. The soldier picture below is an example of the detail available at that resolution, I will be able to make their mouth move for when they are talking. High resolution would be best, but send what you have. The Xcom main base is being created with a 8000 x 8000) resolution. Also below is a reverse view of the Skyranger, I spent way more time looking for a Gimp addon or graphics program capable of do that kind of mirroring than actually doing it. It still needs some work, but happy with it so far. The resolution will be doubled once I finish all the tweaks. You will see the Skyranger fly into view, touch down, and see the ramp drop down and the carnage begin. Hope you don't mind the OpenXcom logo on the wings. That logo is also on the command center floor  in the base as well. If you have some music for a kickass Xcom soundtrack then by all means lets have a listen. Got some high resolutions buildings you would like to see get obliterated, I will have some rookie xcom soldier blow them up after a veteran soldier slipped a primed high explosive inside his backpack and told him to go scout that suspicious looking building over there.

I am aiming at about a 2 hour movie broken into 15-20 minute chunks. After the first movie is released I will either upload all .xcf files and other
resources on OpenXcom mod site if able to, or will upload somewhere else so others can create their own movie (ultimate mod??). Other snapshots will be released in the following days and weeks to show progress and video teasers. All comments, tips, criticism are encouraged.

Playthroughs / Re: Cyber city
« on: January 24, 2016, 01:57:50 pm »

Alien grenades are great, bur on this playthrough I am only going to use human tech. The memorial screen is going to be huge.

Playthroughs / Re: Cyber city
« on: January 24, 2016, 04:34:02 am »
Yes quite a few,  just finished a final mod pack playthrough

Playthroughs / Cyber city
« on: January 24, 2016, 03:38:35 am »
Hello everyone this is my first post but expect many more in the future. I am currently playing a new campaign on superhuman
and limiting my soldiers to human equipment only, not even lasers or armor of any kind. So I get to my first terror mission
and this is what is there to greet my troops. Never seen that many Cyberdisks on a mission before, but decided to give it go.
The first 2 soldiers had high explosives and they set off some nice chain reactions. 6 soldiers dead before I stepped off the
Skyranger. 3 more soldiers got killed stepping off the craft, there were 3 more sectoids to the right. That makes 13 enemy
units right beside the Skyranger. The mind raping then started as I hunted down the straglers and lost all but one soldier.
His name is Greasy.

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