preferably a front end for it (unless you like commandlines) GitExtensions
You mean Git wrappers that make work with Git easier and more intuitive?
(unless you like commandlines)
I do btw
Doesn't Visual Studio have some Git Wrapper integrated into its IDE? I think I've seen that, but never used it.
What Git wrappers would you recommend btw?
google until the project actually builds ...
You mean that it takes a long time to build the project?
My IDE is Visual Studio 2019. Will it do?
I'm already into C++ and keep learning things everyday. I really want to master it, though I know it's hard and takes a long time.
Is all the OpenXcom code well-documented itself or is there any additional tutorials for those who want to start working on the project?
Oh, and one more thing
The game uses some folders from the OG in order to work. Those are just resources? Isn't the OG closed-source?