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Messages - DeiPalladium

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / TFTD calendar
« on: April 10, 2021, 02:46:24 pm »

7 october 2040 isn't friday, its sunday. Calendar is a lie.

Troubleshooting / Re: TFTD Segmentation fault.
« on: April 04, 2021, 09:47:39 pm »
Thank you a lot!

Troubleshooting / Re: TFTD Segmentation fault.
« on: April 04, 2021, 09:04:18 pm »
Here it is.

Troubleshooting / TFTD Segmentation fault.
« on: April 04, 2021, 04:48:17 pm »
Killing last enemy in terror mission causes fatal error.

[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: 1.0 git 2021-03-29 12:49
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   Platform: Windows
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   - C:\Users\dmitr\Documents\OpenXcom\
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   - C:\Games\OpenXCOM
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   - C:\Games\OpenXCOM
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   User folder is: C:\Users\dmitr\Documents\OpenXcom\
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   Config folder is: C:\Users\dmitr\Documents\OpenXcom\
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[04-04-2021_16-31-24]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   requested file not found: openxcom.png
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Detected locale: C
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x32...
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Display set to 1920x1080x32.
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\dmitr\Documents\OpenXcom\mods'...
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Mapping resource files...
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Resources files mapped successfully.
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   - xcom2 v1.0
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... Font.dat
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Data loaded successfully.
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Loading language...
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   Language loaded successfully.
[04-04-2021_16-31-25]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[04-04-2021_16-31-49]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[04-04-2021_16-31-49]   [FATAL]   0x54e900 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[04-04-2021_16-31-49]   [FATAL]   0x5521d0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[04-04-2021_16-31-49]   [FATAL]   0x40dca0 signalLogger(int)
[04-04-2021_16-31-49]   [FATAL]   0x87bc90 xbrz::nearestNeighborScale(unsigned int const*, int, int, int, unsigned int*, int, int, int, xbrz::SliceType, int, int)
[04-04-2021_16-31-49]   [FATAL]   0x765fe550 UnhandledExceptionFilter
[04-04-2021_16-31-49]   [FATAL]   0x76f08ad0 RtlCaptureStackContext
[04-04-2021_16-31-49]   [FATAL]   0x76ee7b60 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[04-04-2021_16-31-58]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
More details here: C:\Users\dmitr\Documents\OpenXcom\openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

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