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Messages - Ozihilus

Pages: [1]
OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE v7.15 for Android
« on: December 29, 2024, 06:29:16 pm »
2. the structure of the zip file is wrong (test on the PC first to be sure, don't forget to move the extracted mod away first)

Thank you for this! It works now but I had to unzip the 40k file into the mods folder as well, not just the Rosigma file.

My mods folder currently looks like this.

Thanks again, good sir!

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE v7.15 for Android
« on: December 29, 2024, 04:44:06 am »
I don't know what you are doing, but yes, you are likely doing it wrong.

Thank you for the reply.

So for OXCE X-Files I just put the zip file in the mods folder and it works fine. I can see it from the drop-down, run it, and everything.

I tried doing the same thing with the 40k mod and Rosigma but it didn't work. I couldn't see it in the mods drop-down menu in OXCE.

Then I tried to unzip the 40k and Rosigma files into the mods folder but it still didn't show up in the mods drop-down.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE v7.15 for Android
« on: December 28, 2024, 08:40:33 am »
Hi, there!
First, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work that you do with OXCE Android.
I have been playing a lot of OXCE on my tab and it is definitely great fun.

Second, I am wondering why I can't get OXCE Android to run the 40k mod? I have been wanting to play the Rosigma addon on mobile. I can play the X-COM Files mod just fine. Am I missing something? AmI doing something wrong?

Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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