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Messages - Chevayo

Pages: [1]
Help / Re: How are Hangar map tiles referenced?
« on: December 01, 2024, 04:29:53 am »
Ah thank you!
I fell into the trap of overthinking it!  ::)

Help / How are Hangar map tiles referenced?
« on: November 30, 2024, 11:50:21 pm »
Sorry, i am quite new to modding this particular game, so i likely have a lot of the terminology wrong (which might be why i could not find my answers from google).

How are multi-tile buildings assembled for the base defense missions?
(I am looking at the example of the Hangar in the XPiratez mod, but i expect the general answer to be the same for all similar buildings)

So the hangar has 4 tiles - in the mod i am looking at (XPiratez) its XBR_16, XBR_17,  18, 19.

However in the ruleset i only see:

- type: STR_HANGAR
mapName: XBR_16

the other tiles - 17, 18, 19 are never referenced and i have found no linkage from a full text search for those segments through all of the ruleset files.

Which leads me to suspect, that the linkage might be within the map file itself?
(Although i found no indication of it - looking at the maps in the editor)

So if i were to edit the maps to replace them, would i break those linkages?
How would the game know, what tiles to load beyond the first one?

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