- I think melee-only approach only works for heavy-savescumming game. The destructive potential of melee is unmatched, yet often you'll get into no-win scenarios when rushing headlong, like previously unspotted extra enemies or unexpectedly painful reaction fire.
Possibly. There are things you can do to minimize the danger, which basically amounts to "don't take chances", much like playing the Long War mod for XCom Enemy Within. Spot an enemy and want to nab him in melee? Send a scout forward to make sure there's nothing behind them, then have them either run back into safety or pop smoke. Stage your strike team of 2-4 heavy hitters around a corner near the target. Wait a turn; honestly, the AI is pretty darn dumb, and the chances they'll wander around the corner and shoot you in the face is low. Even if they do, they're hitting your front armor, so your odds are decent. Now that everyone is in place, peek around the corner to make sure they're still within reach, which is usually the case as they seldom wander that far. Dash out and sword them in the back.
It's hardly foolproof, but boy is it fun. Even better is when your team is on the other side of a wall, and you sledgehammer through it to ambush someone Kool-Aid Man style. And of course it can still lead to horrible screw-ups, which is where even
more fun happens. One of the awesome things about PirateZ is it gives you a million and one tools to creatively solve the problems you've gotten yourself into, if only you're crazy enough to use them. I will have to try a less save-scummy game on a harder difficulty sometime now that I have some clue what I'm doing, and see how it works out.
Of course this only works on maps with corners... the first few merc missions were
really painful partially 'cause there were a million of them, on a wide open map, and they're pretty good shots and have good reactions. Melee really isn't the right tool for that job. Then I got nuclear lasers and ended up in a similar mission, and cackled gleefully as I mowed all the bastards down. (Might want to check out the numbers for the Scorchy laser pistol; it always says it has a 40-50% chance to hit, but I don't think I've ever missed a single shot with one. Anyone else notice this? I'll do more testing.)
Thanks for all the kind words on the writing! Any suggestions and/or critiques are welcome, I'll throw it into the fanfic forum when I get the chance.. It's kind of an amalgam of several base defense missions, and has some artistic license --the missions I did were all rookies, but I wanted an experienced hand in the story to contrast "lightning-fast, heavily-armored death machine that slits three guys up without breaking a sweat" versus "rookie who might land a grenade sort of close enough to hurt something maybe".