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Messages - hth

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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: September 18, 2024, 10:27:36 pm »
I think it is something like you have discover a base of the Hybrids. I think that if you do the mission, it is not a UFO, but a building (kind of like a Hybrid Base)
Probably you are kinda right (except it was flyed at first). Found its landing time in ufoTrajectories_FMP.rul :

  - id: B0
    groundTimer: 50000000   

 (~100 years)

Probably by now I will ignore it because for my very late game there is no much reward and sense for fighting with Hybrids.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: September 18, 2024, 02:25:04 pm »
This thing is just sit down here for month or so. Is it broken?

About armor, I think Flying Suit is absolutely superior, even kinda OP. It makes Power Suit ("parent" on tech tree) quickly absolete, because have not movement penalties but offers slightly better protection. Also Juggernauts can have limited usage in late game for commanders and psionics.

OXCE Builds & Ports / Re: OXCE v7.14 for Windows XP
« on: September 17, 2024, 04:05:48 pm »
I have created a successful Windows XP 32-bit build using mxe.
Thank you very much!

By the chance, do you have xPiratez and BrutalAI builds for this good old OS?

Base -> Equip Craft %craftname% -> Equipment -> Inventory (If crew is not empty)

Also, speaking about Diary page, can we please have missions list scroll focus preserved after examining particular one, without resetting it to beginning? Like equipment/research lists do in OXCE.

And adding date to particular mission screen won't hurt either. Because in case of long-bearded veterans we can quickly lost sense of time then clicks on << >> buttons (see last screenshot).

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: September 16, 2024, 10:45:48 pm »
Thanks for clear answers!

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: September 15, 2024, 12:33:03 am »
Please enlighten me a bit about enemy race selection for some missions.

1. Retaliation calendar in alienMissions_FMP.rul looks as:

Code: [Select]
raceWeights: # In the case of a shootdown, race comes from the UFO that triggered the mission.
          STR_GAZER: 5
          STR_WASPITE: 5
          STR_REPTOID: 5
          STR_SECTOID: 13
          STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
          STR_ETHEREAL: 5
          STR_MUTON: 10
          STR_CHTONITE: 10
          STR_CEREBREAL: 5
          STR_ANTHROPOD: 5
          STR_FLOATER: 10
          STR_CHASER: 30

So, like vanilla rules, here is no time dependance? You can got ethereals or mutons in jan'1999 in 10% cases? Or specific race should "arrive" at first?

Also, that is so special about chasers for their exceptional 30% chance?

2. Do labels (numbers) in RaceWeights section actually represent months? No scaling via some variable for mod, designed be slow-paced at least in early game (1999)? Excuse me, but seeing mutons and gazers in july and ethereals in september is a bit early for mostly kinetic-equipped squads, imho.

3. Can specific alien base race change during the game? IIRC seeing snakes + chryssalids on early scouting mission, but then I finally got my toys and balls one year later for another visit, it was turned to be populated with mutons instead... Or I just messed my memory with another campaign?


Grenades is OP not only because aliens are not smart enough to adopt the human techniques of throwing warfare (borrowed from squids and monkeys), but also for those sniping throws other 100+ meters using friendly FoV. In world of XCOM superhumans basketball game probably played on football fields).

Playthroughs / My shortest campaign ever
« on: September 12, 2024, 06:04:19 pm »
FMP on OXC. First ever attempt on Veteran skill and also first in Ironman mode. 

Encountered and looted my first UFO pretty quick - 5 jan, got mauled exactly one week later.

Base defence was completely hopeless. First, my guy with RL was spawned into trap - Sci Lab behind elevator, so can't help to fight with cyberdiscs. Which, at second, quickly slaughtered my first and one tank. And then PSI massacre begins and so global panic spread.

Although I already have *foundation* for second base, after second in row "terrible" month I was kicked from the game.

Additionally I can suggest move "Neutralization by weapon" section (as most important statistic now) to upmost position of "Combat" page, or even make for it separate page within diary (button can be named as 'weapons' for example) ... and then simply call it (and only it, instead of whole diary) from new button on inventory page.

Now it is too much pain to maintain proper weapon professions with increasing amount of soldiers and different transports, as game in megamods like X-files progresses.

The X-Com Files / Re: Is grenade launcher damage nerfed?
« on: September 07, 2024, 10:03:06 pm »
Grenade damage is 50, grenade launcher HE is 48. This has not changed in the last couple of years at least. I have not played FMP, but looking at the rulesets, those are the same. So there's no real difference, though the blast radius of grenade is 5 instead of HE grenade's 4. Both have damage spread of 50-150 %. With this kind of damage you can't really depend on even weaker cultists dying of one hit, though the weaklings often do.
Yes, I have seen these numbers too. May be some mechanic has changed from OXC? In FMP grenade launcher do well even on aliens which are much better protected than early x-files scum.
it does not make sense to directly target enemies with grenade launcher. If you score a direct hit, your unit is marked as spotted and enemy sniper units can fire at the unit or throw grenades at it even though they don't see your unit. Throwing grenades does not have this issue, and you can also target an adjacent tile.
Thanks for tip! Which I assume related to any shooting weapon? In any case this make throwing grenades even more overpowered than I thought.

Personally I used GL in FMP simply as much faster (and reliable in rough terrain) RL variant.
I'm not sure if grenade launchers still hit the under armour on direct hits or if they hit the front armour instead, if that is the case then it could explain direct hits being weaker than expected but I'm probably wrong on that as don't know the explosion mechanics
Not much an issue for low level enemies.

The X-Com Files / Is grenade launcher damage nerfed?
« on: September 07, 2024, 07:56:22 pm »
I'm very new player, only about a year into my first game (on second difficulty), and got a strong feeling what standard HE 46mm grenade (black) damage is noticeable lower compared to throwing grenades or similar launcher weapon from FMP OXC. Because way to often I see how low-ranking cultists, gangers and small animals survive direct aimed hits! Actually, I under impression what it happens even more frequently than fatal hits.

Btw, hello and thanks for such amazingly immersive mod!

For weapon proficiency awards (i.e. X-Files) current inability to do it requires too much remembering or backclicking into parallel interaface branch (Craft/character->stats).

Sorry if I missed something obvious or already implemented, I'm quite rookie in OXCE and not able to find full changelog for it.

Btw, hello and thanks to devs, past and present, for such great engine!

Playthroughs / Keep personnel clear
« on: September 07, 2024, 12:43:22 am »
1. Guy from screenshot try to throw proxy from near of the Skyraider ladder.
2. Unfortunately proxy bumps to some craft furniture and drops exactly to next tile straight of thrower.
3. Reckless ironman (me) wanted to pick it up and throw again, but this was *proxy*, not ordinary grenade.
5. Sent another guy to heal & wake up that clumsy miner.
6. But again, completely forget about primed much earlier ordinary grenade, also carried by him.
8. So first guy finally got his last (auto)frag, and second got "angelic" medal and just a month in sickbay. 

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