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Messages - eharper256

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Thanks for the guide, i've got 2 questions what is the best location for a green codex run? and is the fungus event locked to a region only or can appear at every part of the planet?
Fungus growth isn't region locked.

Green's main advantages apply to Uber Gals (only, at least for most of the game) so there's some merit in getting and training more (so Nordfederation/Sweden), and more starting troops is always a massive benefit to help you cycle gals on missions. You do have plenty of time to get more though, so this isn't essential. Eventually at late game your goal is Designer Beauties (which applies to all female types) but Zombie-Gals are kind of the long stepping stone to that, typically in combo with Revenant Armour and eventually Pestulator/Biosuits.

There's nothing especially helpful for Green Codex early besides manpower though, so ultimately you can go with what you feel is useful.

Most importantly, you'll want to force as many zombie missions as you can, and capture a Strix and Singer Zombie to get Zombie Sustenance and Zombie Beauty ASAP. Or if you can find a live Canny Gal that can work too. Your research needs for Zombification are:
Medicine · Zombie Juice · VooDoo · Our Abilities · Post-Apocalyptic Cuisine · Green Codex · (Zombie Sustenance or a Live Canny Girl)

One thing of note is that Zombiegals are tanky as fuck but aren't as good with shooting. They make for great melee units, though, so you can in theory run some support troops with them for the sniping and shooty duties (Catgirls, Gnomes etc.).

If you want to be a Chaos Saint with Green, that means Jackass. It's not a horrible fit since you're a "Power over all other things" type, and why not combine Dungeons with Cloning Facilities for full biotic evil genius. :D

Finally, Bonaventura as your flagship is basically a dedicated troop transport, great for getting your horde of zombiegals around. Though interceptor wise its lacking; if it can catch a target (it's pretty slow), it's alright at absorbing fire over your more powerful but more fragile interceptors like Corsairs. You want to heavily consider a Scarab at some point to carry your Bioplasma gun ASAP.

I'm not going to input much into this, but it sounds like that's severely optimised play, which is not really the focus of this guide, but rather to give tips to newbies who may be coming in, and they're usually used to Nu-X-COM, or have only played the original.

I have experience with both Nu-X-COM and the older games from when I was a kid, but many don't even have that, and this guide is mostly formed of all the surprising things I've learnt that aren't too obvious. When I recommended XPZ to a couple of people on my discord, they found all these tips tremendously handy, and EVEN THEN they nearly always Game-Over'ed due to negative Infamy, losing their early gals, or Bankruptcy within early months, when playing difficulty 2.

Cali is a great start, and it's A-Tier for that reason, however, Catgirls are very fragile for newbies to operate, and the debt is difficult to handle when they can't make a profit on more debt-free starts.

I will stick to No-Codex being quite a challenge run in a similar fashion. Frankly, I used Big Birds for the first six months for capacity; speed is mostly irrelevant early as a site won't expire as long as it's targeted. Moreover, it works exactly like a classic skyranger, so it's a bit of a comfort pill for newbies. And then you can indeed run cars or Buckaroos.

Erm *raises hand*

The Vibro Blade is fine, it does cutting damage and I have successfully used it on cyberdiscs many times.

The Vibro Sword, otoh, is a stabbing weapon and thus will trigger explosions.
One of those odd things, really. My brain calls them the Vibroblade (sword) and the Vibroknife (knife), lol.

Love the guide, I think I found one small inconsistency though:

Unless this was changed recently, I believe it has to be specifically cutting damage in melee? I recall that if you destroy cyberdisc with vibro sword it will explode, since it will be stabbing damage.
Yeah I think it's just Vibroblades that have a problem. Most of my Cyberdiscs were caught with the Plasteel blades so I guess it is a very slight possible thing that is wrong. Personally, I'd always save before charging a Cyberdisc in Melee in any case, the reaction fire can easily cause deaths. :D

Oh is it? Don't think I got to test it very long before I went on hiatus for that campaign. But it does still have an A-Ranking on the sheet.

Generally, my pistoleers favoured revolver types for impact and SMG users were mostly Gnomes for me, who get most mileage out of a Linux Origami.

Don't think I'd usually keep a sidearm on anyone unless I just had loads of weight spare (or it was a rare Rocketeer gal), but I guess there's indeed some use in that function.

XPiratez / Re: Where "Sheriff's Handbook" can be found?
« on: February 27, 2025, 12:57:54 am »
Occasionally you might see a Govt Detective in a "Defend the Police Station" type mission as neutral forces that sort of help you out, and occasionally they can be in a Megapol Patrol car. That's when I've seen them.

But yes, by far the easiest way is as I mention in my guide, the Confed start.

Except for snipers or those with infinite Aimed range guns, mid-range is generally best for most combat in my experience. I'll have some dedicated melee girls of course (on my last game, my Gal with the most kills is a melee girl and is only a dozen behind my initial starting gnome's insane kill streak).

Since RNG's historically always love to screw me over, I'd rather make more rolls than bet on single ones, hence my preference for auto-fire. :D There's no "correct" answer here, though, everyone plays different.

I do see what you're saying about the Blacksmarsh description, but the comments aren't neccessarily a review, just things I thought of. A-Tier still means A-Tier. :D

Fair, but I don't compare it to the RCF carbine though? Are you talking about the UAC Carbine? I partly rated that well because when I got it, it had the ability to immediately buy it from the store which was very valuable. Whilst at the time I think I only had access to a single Blacksmarsh. TBH, I don't think I used RCF carbines much at all in my last game, I transitioned straight from Auto-Rifles/Battle Rifles to Advanced Rifles on most of my Assault Rifle girls, and then not too long after to Advanced Lasguns.

Statistically, auto-fire in X-COM is nearly always a better deal, and with SMG's you're always supposed to be dashing to a closer range for the most part, it's just the Blacksmarsh is sort of a hybrid AR with a higher range than usual. It's a solid gun though, I had a few of my 8-strong Gnome Brigade main it for some time until I could manage to squeeze Linux Origami on them to exploit the massive bravery bonus.

I have to say I've never deliberately tried to min-max any stats like this.

Then again, I guess I do play at Difficulty 2 usually, maybe it's needed for higher ones.

Doesn't right-clicking a tactic applies it to everyone?

Does it now? I'm guessing that's a tip I missed somewhere.  ::)

Ah, I see. When an enemy ship is the aggressor, the only available tactics are evasive maneuvers and ramming speed. Somehow, the enemy fighters are always the aggressors, so there’s no way to enable the long-range tactic—resulting in a melee-range fight. However, when the player is the aggressor, the long range, and the full broadside tactic becomes available. Do you happen to know what the full broadside tactic does?
They are equivalent to the original X-COM tactics, nothing's changed there. Plink at max range of longest range weapon, with slower fire rate. In range of all guns. And go to knife fighting distance losing dodge but also firing faster (sometimes). In the original you yourself generally weren't intercepted back though.

If you're after a dangerous enemy, be sure to send multiple ships together to fight it and spread the damage as well as double the firepower brought against it. Get the faster ships to escort the slowest of the group sent, and the slowest to attack the enemy. You'll need to quickly select tactics in multiple windows though.

Trouble is, most common used forever is like Scrap, Databases, Elerium, Chemicals, Slaves, Glamour. Which are mostly like "play the game, lots of stuff gives it to you", except maybe Glamour not being obvious (well it is obvious if you go with the mindset of "go cool, go risque" that the game is pushing, but not obvious if you think on a pure OG game mindset).

Then there's stuff that's semi-important early, but basically obsolete after a while, like Chitin and Necroplane parts.

Then stuff that's high-tech and useless early game but often important later, like Alien Alloys, Optronics, Power Couplings etc.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: February 13, 2025, 10:00:44 am »
For me, most early polar missions I did were over quick (like Yeti hunts) or came sufficiently later that cold protection was no longer an issue. The main problem is determining whether the potential troop downtime after is worth it.


Maybe for next xpiratz update. might be added a page/half page on how to get non-black market resources?
I just noticed you edited this. What resources were you wanting a guide to specifically? There are ALOT in the game, so it would need a very specific focus.

Honestly? If I got asked about it, this guide should be added to the mod download. Like a strategy readme. Keep up the good work, bud
Thankyou buddy, those kind of comments are always a nice start to a morning. ;D

I got Dioxine's offical stamp of approval, so it's close enough. :P

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