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Messages - eharper256

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Re: Info Compilation Document
« on: September 18, 2024, 09:48:56 pm »
Here's the Weapon Comparison Excel Sheet:

Compares the Snap/Aimed/Auto/Damage including the Accuracy and Range and stats involved. Also includes lots of my thoughts about each one specifically and uses my usual colour coding (Purple S/ Blue A / Green B / Yellow C / Red D).

As mentioned above, not fully complete (I'm at late-laser tier right now, and I've been adding stuff as I've got it/used it). Will update it in time.

XPiratez / Re: Info Compilation Document
« on: September 17, 2024, 09:20:58 pm »
Dear  eharper256, thi is really great! Might i advice to chance the thread title in "xpiratez quick reference starting guide" or some thing? Please keep it up and updated, moreover, i'd be very happy if you please join the discussion in often in " Extended Piratez general FAQ/Strategy Guide"!. Heavy loads of thanks!
Glad you like it. :)

Feel free to pin this document or add a link to the FAQ if you credit me, though that seems more like an extended Let's Play thread with extra tips at the moment? Me and a chap on one my discords have been keeping a few fun visual records for that sort of thing, though.

It's not purely starting stuff (and I'll probably add more as time goes on) so I think it would be a bit misleading to change the title to that for now.

Incidentally, if people are interested, I've also been doing a weapon comparison spreadsheet in Excel that I can upload for people who have it. Since this has been more popular than I first expected. It's obviously incomplete at the moment since I only add a weapon when I have access to it (right now, 120 rows of guns with all their stats).

XPiratez / Re: Info Compilation Document
« on: September 16, 2024, 09:54:41 am »
The main usage of Big Bird is "Mansion Invasion" mission. Other large crafts allowed there are mush farther away in tech tree.And this is another tough request: analysis of allowed vehicles in special missions. I mean not just a long list, but some important and unintuitive use cases like with Big Bird.
Yeah that could be good.

I actually didn't unlock Manion Invasion until like Jan Year 2, so I could use Fortuna (and I could use my Firefox which I still have too). I see it also allows Snake and Shadowbat and Airvan; think this one is less requiring an Infiltration Vehicle like some of the bounty missions, just that it has to be VTOL, since you drop through the glass roof of the mansion (or at least that's implied in the map design). But yeah, it's another point for Big Bird. :D

It's just the outfits that are more limited. Fortunately again for me I had two Catlooters and my ace melee catgirl has an Unipuma with Nekomimi Blade and Spypistol as her default anyways, and a couple of Witch girls at this point.

XPiratez / Re: Info Compilation Document
« on: September 16, 2024, 12:06:37 am »
SNIP Stuff on events
Jolly good, at least I got some of that right lol. :D

I don't think anyone uses Big Bird
  :o I used it for MONTHS (like March Year 1 to Oct Year 1, and sold the Airbus. From Germany area, could reach all but Australia, and about 1/2 of South America, so it could nearly everywhere. Then went Catgirls path, and around June it it moved to my second base in Japan for the beta team whilst Firefox became my main transport. Bought a second Airbus briefly in second base to do the X-Lab mission, though that wasn't a huge priority since I already had books from Mutant Alliance Favours since they were always spamming me with missions.

I mean, GUNWAGON is the earliest interceptor you get and with a Nitro it takes care of most early-game bandits. Only got 9 hands? Try putting them on Hyena Mounts then. Or fill the craft with dogs. CONVOY is slow, but nothing beats a whole platoon of units lol. You know, some armors bring glamour on a mission? Even 2 Glamour each? Put 24 of those on a Convoy, and that's 48 extra Glamour per mission hehe. Or WINTER QUEENs with their 5k credit chips, or BRAINERs with Personal Database. Greed pays~
Sure, I can see that strat working, though I'm all for elite small teams just to save on the admin overhead myself. I obviously took a weird tech route compared to what some do. Didn't have Hyenas until after my Flagship (and already had an Armoured Car at that point). Briefly had one girl ride one with UAC Chaingun for lolz.

Great work!
Can I, please, request a "What to do with with Dr. X" analysis? I know, this is tough request, I tried to figure that out on my own with mediocre results.
Haven't actually done the X-Stuff yet myself, but sure, I might add it when I do. Glad you like it!  :D

XPiratez / Re: Info Compilation Document
« on: September 15, 2024, 02:15:02 pm »
I really like your rundown of the aspects and personality types.
Thankyou, glad you like it! ;D

I've just updated the PDF with corrections just now. May need to F5 it if viewing online, or download it again.

XPiratez / Re: Info Compilation Document
« on: September 15, 2024, 03:40:54 am »
  • And I just updated to 9.5.6 lol, ah well.
  • Eh, semantics, it helps my brain to think of tonnage. As you say, not really clear to begin with.
  • The approach speed from the super bravery is very important earlier when everything has a tiny range and you've got a Tiger with 4x 14mm. But yes, early on I had a Gnome and Catgirl, then switched over to two catgirls later. The 8 Gnome squad is now the elites of my second base.
  • Fair enough, I missed that, will update that.
  • Well, I tended to get Captain Rank way quicker than I researched countries. Not enough Scouting Expeditions I realise in retrospect, but eh.
  • Missed that, will update.
  • Think that was something that snuck in from the very old Codex reference on the online UFOwiki. Will fix.
  • In game shows needing prerequisite as needing either Excess or ?None-Of-The-Above?, and then NP lab itself has requirement of Odiousless Captain. You're right about Mage not having it, though, didn't see Might disables. But Lazy-Ass shouldn't get it either, unless I'm horribly reading that wrong?
  • Hmmm... this is where I got into a bit of a loop, I've intepreted ?Leave-Me-Alone? Captain as being the Ultimate Captain. But that's also including Flawless Captains, isn't it? i.e. "Furry Friend" as an example event. Will amend. Still, Ultimate doesn't disable ?Leave-me-alone-Captain!? as far as I can see so the prequisites should still activate.
  • That was just running out of space lol.
  • That's me being a Tax-Trainer and automatically rounding 9 down to a 0 when I'm not paying attention lol. Will fix.
  • I think that's the old wiki creeping in there again. Fixed.
  • I was viewing it purely as an interceptor there I think. But actually that's not mentioned at all on the wiki entries that I can see. Don't think I ever dropped with it as I went straight from Airbus to Big Bird so I wouldn't have noticed. :D
  • True, this is probably a bad statement; I didn't get Car Thieves until after I got Tiger, and I prioritised Jack tokens on Silver Snake because it's amazing on Gnomes, so by the time I got it, it  became kind of useless there.
  • I entirely ignored Ground Stuff other than as prequisites. At the early stage, Convoy seemed useless as I had like 9 hands total.
  • To me, I wanted to see the immediate potential benefits. Yes, anyone can be good in the long run, but the less feeding and reloading RNG rolls required, the better.
  • Yep, I did that, and then provided it for people to use. Just thought it would be handy to include. (shrug)

Thanks for the feedback, but it's good it's only fairly minor stuff. Will amend and update for tomorrow, but it's now 1am lol.

As I'm the guy who automatically writes guides and summaries for things as I go along (I have several Steam Guides for that reason), thought I'd share the one I compiled before I started and as I was getting into my first playthrough of XPiratez (N9.5.6):
Notably Includes:
>> All of the Starting Locations and what they give in one place (events & regional bonuses too).
>> Captain Ideas, Aspects, and then each as a whole including all of the types. The events and bonuses in summary that they get.
>> All four Codexes and their bonuses in summary.
>> Craft and Interceptor Progression
>> Recruitment choices comparison for routes (i.e. Male/Gals/Cats/Peasant).
Includes a lot of my thought processes on each of these (and my old colour based tier-ranking on countries ~ Purple S-Tier, Blue A-Tier, Green B-Tier, Yellow C-Tier, Red D-Tier).

As I've played only the one game which is still in progress (Year 2, Month 6 at the moment), if you think any of my thoughts are horribly off-base, feel free to let me know and I'll add corrections.

Here' also a Weapon Comparison Excel Sheet: which includes comparison between fire modes (Snap/Aimed/Auto), Damage expectations, accuracy, and range, catagorised by weapon type, and presented in the order I found a copy. Not yet complete, as I obviously haven't tried everything.

Additionally, the online XPedia is rather out of date (2 years or so), so here's a re-compiled one:
Download and place in your \Dioxine_XPiratez\ root for the images to work.

Hope you all find it useful. ;D

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: September 07, 2024, 09:55:59 pm »
Thanks, I did find it on the last turn of the battle, it was disguised against the floor lol.

Fortunately, managed to get through on the ammo we had; thank god I had Incendiary rounds for two Street Sweepers! (34 zombies on that level including 2 brutes with the fists, and 5 purple farmers). Firing from the wings of the shadowbat whilst the two with UAC shotguns covered the entry ramp got me through the first two turns and it was clean up from there. Though the Incendiary grenades would have been useful earlier (see screenshot!).

This was the start lol:

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: September 07, 2024, 07:14:19 pm »
Where is the excess gear (not equipped) dropped in a Shadowbat? I can't see the pile on the map. Could really use those extra incendiaries I packed as its a sudden zombie mission!

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: September 07, 2024, 02:59:33 pm »
Quick query: Are there Alien Bases to search for in this as per Normal X-COM?

I've floated the Fortuna around a few places and not seen any as of yet even checking high spike shipping areas (the old technique).

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: August 29, 2024, 10:06:04 am »
You can't use advanced weapons and items before researching them.
Oh I see. Had no idea, first playthrough, and all the other guns I've found (including Lasers) haven't needed that, so assumed otherwise. My memory of original X-COM is a little dim from my last OpenXCOM play a decade ago, can't recall if you needed that for Plasma. Apologies then; here's me thinking I'm helpful lol. ;D

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: August 28, 2024, 06:52:46 pm »
Curious issue I spotted yesterday: I had 2 Mad Scribblings that were unused for a while since I had a bad habit of selling Consumer goods in the post mission screen without remembering them (lol). Finally remembered to not do that, so queued those up in Workshop. Looking at the work report, it gave me a Loli Chainsaw and Irradiator.

Was quite happy with this after looking them up on the wiki, as I was training a silly melee Gnome as a meme build with N9000; went to immediately equip this in Hands > Inventory, did that with the chainsaw. But then, I clicked through my inventory over and over, thinking, Where Is this Irradiator? Looked up the image on wiki to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

Most bizarrely, going to the Fence Goods/Shipping screen, it is there. I decided to ship it to my 2nd base in case that resolved it, but nope, same issue at that base, it is there, but never equippable. I did also double check to see if someone had randomly picked it up for use, but nope. It is also not researchable, though that's understandable as I'm far off the prerequisites.

Out of interest, I went back to the Auto-Geoscape save which was still just after that mission, tried queueing the 2 Mad Scribbles again. Gave a different result of Militarised Raygun and Kruger; and again, Militarised Raygun was not in the inventory equip screen, just like Irradiator, so it seems re-produce-able.

I also then backed up my save, and used Notepad++ to quickly grab the STR_IRRADIATOR from my second base into my first and change the quantity to 2. Still no luck. Sold one of the two. Still nothing. Really weird, seems to have almost completely prevented me from seeing them ever again (lol).

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