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Messages - quantumripple

Pages: [1]
Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.1.4
« on: August 28, 2024, 08:12:03 am »
wondering if I'm doing something wrong. It's like May 2021 and I'm still only getting terror, strange creature, and ritual missions on a loop. I did manage to get a shielded lab built but it only unlocked a few wands that I can't even really use because they're disposable and I don't have the tech to build/buy more. The only outlier mission I got was attacking a landed pirate ship but after that nothing.

I've managed to get basically all the possible interrogation research from people I've captured too.

Just wondering what I have to do to get different missions since the grind is kind of wearing on me.

edit: nevermind right after I commented this I managed to get a rift spawn in and I poked through the tech tree after that, lots of nice goodies

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