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Messages - nickseitler

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Re: Question-please assist
« on: August 28, 2024, 10:34:52 pm »
Thank you very much, to be fair, I believe I did this mission once in the past and either skipped or didn't beat it (not knowing its importance).

I really appreciate it!

PS: Completely off topic, but the only other mission I never found a way to beat was the bank robbery ones because once you use pickaxes and hammers in the back, my soldiers lost all moral and energy and had a tough time completing the mission in time...

XPiratez / Re: Question-please assist
« on: August 28, 2024, 06:41:36 pm »
Space Freighter Raid mission is what i need to get a belter. I tried dif 2 and got annihilated.

XPiratez / Re: Question-please assist
« on: August 28, 2024, 06:08:58 pm »
You can edit your save with something non-formatting (Notepad++ is popular) and change 'difficulty: 0' to 'difficulty: 2' or whatever you fancy. But as Solarius said, Piratez is a complex mod and a lot of the difficulty-derived things are kinda organic to the playthrough. So there can be strange occurrences (e.g. things that you've already researched cannot unlock new stuff even if it would now be possible) and the Star Gods may come and abduct you one night. :)

Couldn't I manually add the mission I need to spawn?

XPiratez / Re: Question-please assist
« on: August 27, 2024, 03:37:03 pm »
I’m guessing that’s not easy to do though right?

XPiratez / Re: Question-please assist
« on: August 16, 2024, 12:54:51 am »
Thank you everyone, I think I’ll try the save on the next difficulty up. The problem is, I don’t know how to convert the sav file to the next difficulty? Any assistance would be appreciated.

Otherwise I start brand new again but that is a serious undertaking in terms of time in my life.

XPiratez / Re: Question-please assist
« on: August 15, 2024, 06:38:06 pm »
I’ve been playing this for seven years. No way am I restarting. Gotta be a way to finish this one way or another.

XPiratez / Re: Question-please assist
« on: August 15, 2024, 05:41:42 pm »
Sure, here it is

XPiratez / Question-please assist
« on: August 15, 2024, 02:08:00 am »
Hey everyone, please move this if it isn’t the right spot, I’m new on here.

But anyway Ives played Xpiratez the last 7 years updating and upgrading with each upgrade.

I’m at a point where I can’t progress further. I can’t buy or find Smuggler Negotatior, I’m late game and just beat a star god hideout so certainly not weak, I’m just missing a bunch of technology and didn’t know if there’s anyway to get the rest of it.

I’m locked out of Dr X I believe because I needed something with a sorcerer, and didn’t get it and don’t remember passing the mission where the nurses all put your gals to sleep.

So long story short, I’m trying to progress but having trouble finding anything I haven’t researched already. Is it possible to just lock yourself out of ever moving forward?

Thank you everyone!

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