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Messages - SectoidLeader

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I started playing Xcom in the mid 90s, then played again in the 2000s and I can't get over how well it's aged. It's like playing a modern strategy game with retro graphics.  :) I always knew it was a deep game, but for a 35MB game made in the early 90s, I never imagine it could even have so many levels.

It never ceases to amaze me how deep this game is. Another question I have, is whether the death of higher ranking units during a battle affect morale?

I doubt there is AOE for ranking officers like for the general in Total War. But then this game never ceases to amaze, so there might be?

I guess what I'm actually asking is that when a tiny UFO does their mission, whether larger UFOs "use the info from that mission" to plan their missions so to speak? So like the tiny UFOs go back home and says "Hey! Here's a good place to send a harvester." Or "here's a good place to put a base" and the bigger ships follow. But if you shoot them down, the aliens are like "woah! that doesn't look safe".

Of course the code wouldn't literally say that. But there might be a chain of events that get interrupted if tiny UFOs are shot down.

So after I get the Hyperwave Decoder and know what they're up to, as long as they're not retaliation, it might be better to let them do their thing?

I usually just destroy tiny UFOs. But I was wondering if I let them do their scouting or whatever, if bigger fish will come along more frequently.

Offtopic / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: February 22, 2021, 10:19:23 pm »

I've been playing XCom since the 90s. Haven't played the original in almost 10 years. But played the 2012 re-make and Xenonauts. Recently bought the original on Steam and installed openXcom and am blown away. It's everything I wanted the 2012 re-make to be. Simply the original game except with updated UI and other creature comforts. With open Xcom, the original really stands the test of time.

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