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Messages - _Vezy_

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: July 20, 2024, 02:47:01 pm »
Hey, having an issue with the game crashing.
This is the error msg:
A fatal error has occurred: Error occurred while trying to determine waypoint for mission type: STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION in region: REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT, mission tried to find a waypoint in zone 5 but this region only has zones valid up to 1.

To recreate just load the game save and let the world map run for a bit,  click away the first few ufo sightings.

[19-07-2024_17-25-15] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Error occurred while trying to determine waypoint for mission type: STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION in region: REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT, mission tried to find a waypoint in zone 5 but this region only has zones valid up to 1

The only mod used is The X-Com Files. Tried to contact the mod maker. Not sure if it's the mod making the issue.
To reproduce the bug just leave the world spinning for a bit , click away the couple of ufo contacts it should come up.

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