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Messages - Draemock

Pages: [1]
OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Ground Page Numeration
« on: September 03, 2024, 09:42:49 am »
Im not sure where its located, I searched the options.cfg but it doesnt appear

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Ground Page Numeration
« on: September 03, 2024, 09:30:36 am »
Im assuming this is a basic UI QoL improvement that doesnt require a specific mod to function? I loaded my old save and it isnt showing the number next to the "ground" but I have more than 1 "page" of ground items. Is there a setting I have to turn on in the OXE settings or a config option I need to change like the show unit slot number option?

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.61)
« on: July 31, 2024, 06:58:00 am »
I've played it several times.....just never beaten it lol. I either end up not playing for a while and cant remember I have a save game or a new update comes out and I restart just in case somethings changed.

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.61)
« on: July 30, 2024, 08:07:36 am »
Is there somewhere I can view what each difficulty level does? I know in regular it can affect number of aliens, their stats like reactions and accuracy and funding. Has anything been changed or does it use standard TFTD difficulty settings? I'm torn between Veteran and Genius for my new playthrough

Ahhh, thank you for clearing up my confusion!!

Im not sure if this has been asked before, Im not sure how to conduct a search on this thread to find the answer.

I am unsure as to how damage is worked out when it comes to Ballistic and AP ammo.

Looking at the info for each. It has the following information.

Machinegun Clip: Armor Effectivness 75%, Armor Pre-dmg mult 7.5%
Rifile Clip: Armor Effectiveness 60%, Armor pre-dmg mult 6%

Am I right in assuming that Rifles reduce an enemies armor effectiveness by 60% so they take 40% more damage from my shots? understanding math and things like these has never been a strong point for me. Apologies in advance if this has been asked and answered before. Many thanks!! Am loving the mod so far!

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