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Messages - Troblin

Pages: [1]
Asked about scavenging then got no answer then decided to edit own post in case someone ever reads it. Question was - does scavenging give anything unique?
And long story short nah - some things from the scavenging list might become rare or very rare at some point of game progression, so I'd say that on the whole scavenging is insurance vs unlucky odds and bad knowledge of stuff in the veeery long run theoreticaly.  The stuff I'd care most about minmaxing is shadow orbs thus mystery boxes. Those can be obtained from stuff like mining and gambling - sloowly but yep. (unless save scumming) So ended up treating scavenging as a source of randomness and scenic flavor rather than utility tech. Might be very useful but a pack of fines right before end of month may be quite fun.

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