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Messages - MIK517

Pages: [1]
Thank you.

Yeah, I hadn't thought about disables on already completed topics that give one free.
But now if that logic (reapplying 'disables' after each research) is needed it can instead be achieved by moving those disables to zero-cost topic in 'unlocks' that has (already researched) 'requires' (to get `checkRelatedZeroCostTopics`) and immediately resets itself each time. Even it that sounds like quite a dirty hack.

Zero cost research that auto-researched when all the required researches are completed will apply its 'disabled' references, but won't apply its 'reenables'.
Those are only working for projects that are directly completed through lab/one-free/event etc.

After checking sources (SavedGame::addFinishedResearch) I'm not sure if this logic is intentional or not, since 'reenables' were added when loop with 'disables' for zero-cost projects existed, so there may be some reason why they were added outside of that loop.
Still I think this either should be fixed (with 'reenables' also preferably going after 'disables' to allow simpler repeatable projects) or difference between two properties should be documented on Wiki's Ruleset Reference to prevent confusion.

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