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Messages - BPRoberts

Pages: [1]
Playthroughs / Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
« on: December 29, 2014, 08:06:20 pm »
No suggestions at the moment, but I volunteer for the cannon fodder first squad if you're taking names.

Open Feedback / Re: Battlescape item limit and elerium spawning.
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:57:15 am »
On version 1.0 of OXC the 80 item has been removed, so it is possible to bring an unlimited number of items to missions. However, this was felt by some that it made things easier for the player, so on the current nightly versions you can either play with or without the 80 item limit on craft. Regardless of if the limit is activated or not, it doesn't apply to base defense missions or to other objects during the mission such Elerium or alien bodies, weapons or equipment (which could also cause issues in the original game such as 'invisible aliens').

This isn't an issue with the 80 item limit. I believe it stems from the 170 item Battlescape limit (detailed here  If this is the case, is there a reason this limit is still in place? As you said, the 80 item limit is gone,  the way that stores/items in the Skyranger interact has been tweaked to be more convenient, and item management in general is vastly improved in OXC compared to vanilla. Limiting the Battlescape to 170 items was, as far as I know, an entirely technical decision, not a balance one. If the limit can't be removed, could it be increased? TFTD apparently bumps it up to 200+, which alleviates the issue on most missions. If neither of these are plausible, could the way Elerium is handled be changed so that it doesn't get bumped when there's too much stuff?

Open Feedback / Battlescape item limit and elerium spawning.
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:55:28 pm »
On a recent playthrough I noticed that I went through several missions in a row without getting any elerium. Powersupplies were intact, so I did some googling to try and figure out what was going on and found that (in vanilla X-Com) sometimes elerium isn't spawned because there's a limit to how many items could be spawned on the battlescape, and elerium is given the lowest priority. I pulled some extra ammo from the Skyranger, and the next mission collected elerium as normal. Is this item limit still present in Open? If so, since it seems to be mostly a technical issue, not a balance one, could it be removed? Most of the other item limits and related bugs have been removed/reworked, so it seems slightly odd to me that this one is still present.

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