« on: December 03, 2014, 09:16:03 pm »
Just wanted to take a moment from you all to show my appreciation for the OpenXcom project. I remember fondly the days of watching my dad play the original game on his Amiga 500 and wondering what all those buttons were, and when the day would come when I would be smart enough to play this mysterious game with lots of commands, figures and spinning globes.
My first experience playing Xcom was with the collector’s edition (the game came out the year I was born) and though I had a competent understanding of how it worked, I could only dream of actually beating it – on the lowest difficulty mind you – despite all the time I sunk into it. Something always bothered me though, and that was the amount of bugs in the game. Even when patched to oblivion; there were stuck soldiers, floating aliens that shouldn’t float etc. I always wished there’d be some kind of all-encompassing mod/remake, something, anything that would make this great game even better.
Then I discovered OpenXcom… and the rest is history. I’ve since beaten the game twice, once on beginner, once on superhuman (now going for the superhuman/ironman/one-base Antarctica challenge, wish me luck). Of all the great games out there that make my nether region tingle, Xcom is the one I keep coming back to. I’m making a small donation to the project (all I can afford right now, poor student, have mercy) and hope that we will continue to see strides in keeping this brilliant game alive and well.
Once again, thank you.