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Messages - johnnyfog

Pages: [1]
Experimenting with new ways of destroying the transmitters.   Fascinating, this mod.   HWPs fit my play style, because if all else fails you can brute force your way through a map.   But an HWP can destroy your only route(s) out of the temple. 

Question:   if I clean out the temple instead of bombing the codex, do I get a windfall of some sort?  Does the transmitter get added to my inventory?

Holy Hell!  This is a mod that'll put hair on your chest. 

Everything's nerfed.  Everything. My guns are s*it, my armor is s*it, my grenades are s*hit, my fighters are s*it... even research trees only restore you to the Ufo Defense defaults.

But you know what's sadistic?  Sniper nests in the ufos.  Best I can figure, there are blind spots under the hull, but unless you're in the right spot you can't retaliate.  I nearly captured a "Cloner" ship in January...only to lose my entire team to Chris Kyle on the third level. 

Nearly gave up on reactions training completely..until I found a small ufos with some roachers.

(EDIT:  Oh, and Silacoids are the new Chryssalids.  With no lasers, all you have is rockets--often indoors. have fun with that.)

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