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Brutal AI / Android build
« on: August 04, 2024, 04:40:43 pm »
Hi all-

Are there any code savvy people inhabiting this forum who would be able to attempt an Android build of this mod?

Or perhaps lend some guidance for how to do it?

Xcoms natural AI has always been a sticking point for me and I'm really curious to give this mod a try on my tablet.


Brutal AI / Brutal AI for Android
« on: July 31, 2024, 05:06:00 pm »
Any generous souls here feel like attempting a compile of Brutal AI for Android?

Potential compliments and appreciation in spades from the Android community!

OXCE Suggestions OK / Re: [Suggestion] Reaction fire camera
« on: July 02, 2024, 06:12:03 am »
Oh yes. I use those and they help a great deal.

But the camera motion is still clunky and feels amateurish.

OXCE Suggestions OK / [Suggestion] Reaction fire camera
« on: June 27, 2024, 10:44:40 pm »
I'm sure this has been suggested before because it drives me crazy.

Is there any way to refine or add consistency to where the "camera" goes when it shows reaction fire during the enemy movement phase?

Sometimes the camera will focus on a map position and the reaction fire will be happening off-camera. It's like it's trying to show us the path the reaction fire is taking, who it's going towards, and trying to make a compromise between the two.

I'm not really sure what the solution would be but it seems like part of the original game that never quite got refined.

Maybe even having some levels of customization for how enemy phase movement and fire is displayed. I could imagine a menu that lets you add pauses to before and after displayed movement to properly process it, visually. Or maybe having enemy turnivements need a mouseclick from the player before going to the next one.


Should have mentioned I'm an android user. We miss out on a lot of the extra hotkey functions in menu screens.


When there's a lot of equipment to sort through the equipment screen is clunky as hell. You can only scroll through available equipment in one direction and removing equipment from a soldier requires you to find an open spot. This causes many more mouse clicks than necessary.

I suggest an extra button to back scroll through the equipment list and a button you can drop equipment on that will automatically remove it from your soldier.

It's likely fine as is for vanilla but when the mods start dropping lots of equipment on you it gets tiresome.

Great work on this project btw - I have sunk many sick days into it now

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