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Messages - rkagerer

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Ah, I understand.  Thanks both.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.5: Whispers In The Dark
« on: December 20, 2024, 12:12:32 pm »
Dumb question, how do you invoke the new feature to hire veteran agents?

I just upgraded my OXCE and X-Com Files, and when I go to PURCHASE/RECRUIT I don't see any new relevant options (just "Agent", like before).

I hired 20 new agents and when they arrived they were all Rookies.  Here are their stats:

Do I just trust they have higher stats than they would have under the old version?  Or is there supposed to be some other indicator?

I did appreciate that 90 PsiStr and 60 Bravery on Leifur (too bad this was just a test run...)

The X-Com Files / Re: Is lost Sanity regained after Transformations?
« on: November 20, 2024, 12:56:32 am »
>> You can't regain lost sanity. You simply gain more sanity (up to a cap, like any other stat, and bonuses).
Thanks, that's what I meant by "regain".

So if I understand correctly, it's better to apply stat-eating transformations before (or just as) an agent reaches the cap for the skills the transformation reduces.  Once they hit the cap, any subsequent missions they go on are a 'wasted' opportunity where they could otherwise have gained experience had they had any runway left in those stats.

The X-Com Files / Is lost Sanity regained after Transformations?
« on: November 19, 2024, 11:21:21 am »
I have a number of agents whose Sanity stat has petered out at or just above 120.  They have some transformations available which impose a relatively big hit to this stat, at least compared to other stats those transformations increase - e.g. Gun Kata, which only boosts Accuracy by 5 on these agents, but decreases their Sanity by 10.  I've been holding off on such transformations until I understand whether and how quickly that lost Sanity can be regained by going on new missions.

I tried training one on Gun Kata as an experiment, and it looks like he regained his 120 sanity max in fairly short order.  But I wasn't paying much attention, and am not sure if there were any other factors.

Could someone confirm how this works?  It seems to me that over the long term, there's no disadvantage to "spending" sanity on these transformations.

Will other stats that are no longer receiving bonuses from mission experience (except through Commendations) similarly regain their previous max cap after I apply transformations that degrade them?  (e.g. Blood Boosting which reduces Bravery, Sanity, and Psi Skill).

Is there any reason not to complete the remaining transformations on soldiers that have reached their skill caps?  I realize Blood Boosting is a special case as it prevents other training, but seems like it could make sense for agents with low Psi attributes?


The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 16, 2024, 03:18:17 pm »
I noticed some inconsistencies in the naming of Robosphere and Roboturret.

In the Sell Items screen they start with "Cyberweb":

However their UFOPaedia titles don't start with "Cyberweb":

I think the mismatch is what breaks the middle-click functionality (i.e. when you middle-click the items in the first screen, the respective UFOpaedia articles do not come up).

Also the Combat Analysis entries for them are similarly inconsistent.

Note I'm on a slightly older version of the mod so apologies if this has already been addressed!

I've been cleaning out older weapons to make room for their newer counterparts.

The RPG Launcher has an RPG Anti-Tank Rocket with Armor Effectiveness 0.75 (and Armor Degradation 0.3).
Is there a reason the Advanced Rocket Launcher, with its many more ammunition options, doesn't have a rocket which performs as well or better against armor?  (Or are you supposed to use its Incendiary Rocket for such targets, like say a Sectopod cluster?)


The X-Com Files / Re: [submod]Cryptic Butchery(0.4.0)
« on: November 14, 2024, 06:42:36 pm »
You mentioned Synthmuscles and Grav modules.  I noticed they're still missing.  Not a big deal, but if you feel like adding them for completeness the info is below (based on the equivalent corpse projects).

Synthmuscle: Living Muton (1 Muton --> 1 Synthmuscles, 320 engineer hours, $800)
Grav Module: Living Floater (1 Floater --> 1 Grav Module, 200 engineer hours, $100)
Grav Module: Living Legionnaire (1 Leagionnaire --> 1 Grav Module, 250 engineer hours, $100)
Grav Module: Living Waspite (1 Waspite --> 1 Grav Module, 200 engineer hours, $100)

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 11, 2024, 01:50:43 pm »
A couple more UFOpaedia text fixes to make them read better in English.  In the Puppetmaster entry, remove the word "the" before "humanity".  It should just say "if they weren't enemies of humanity".

Also in the Cereal Cult topic, change "found its place" to "found its way".  Or even better, you could say "insinuated itself into"

BTW, is there a reason it's called Cereal Cult?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: October 26, 2024, 11:18:22 am »
Another little typo to report (underlined below)

This should prove REALLY helpful and I'm looking forward to trying it.  Thanks!

The X-Com Files / Favorite Staff Input
« on: October 21, 2024, 05:26:11 am »
Just came here to say this is my favorite staff input card, nice!


Amazing, thank you!

The X-Com Files / Re: Is "Sanity per day" cumulative?
« on: October 02, 2024, 10:20:19 am »
No, they are not cumulative. The highest one is decisive.

Awesome, thanks that makes perfect sense.

The X-Com Files / Re: Base on Easter Island?
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:56:44 am »
But I think you can place the base wherever and then edit the save file to change its coordinates to whatever you want.

LOL, sneaky!

I figure I'm about halfway to two-thirds through the game, and I've kept my final base slot in reserve just in case Underwater Bases become a thing (I figure they probably won't, but this megamod is so chock-full of unexpected gems 'ya never know).  If not, I planned to put it at the North Pole (with lots of hangers to provide responsive interceptor coverage over the northern hemisphere), but I suppose if I eventually succumb to the temptation of using this cheat I could stick it in the mid-Pacific to complete the gap there in my global radar coverage.  Although, I figured maybe that gap is intentional, to encourage use of radar craft.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.4: Daggers for Hire
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:52:18 am »
Solarius, I was reading through all your replies here - wow!  We're so fortunate for the level of community engagement provided by you and the other folks maintaining this mod.  Thanks!
Quote from: Solarius Scorch
I'm considering moving [Kitsune] a bit further.

Not a bad idea.  I think I got it kind of early in my game, and it's been a very welcome godsend - but in retrospect maybe a little too much so.

I didn't get the...
Avro Arrow
...until way too late to be of any use, which was kind of sad.  Don't know if it was another quirk of my particular progression but It'd be cool if that came a little earlier.

I was sad to see Kukri nerfed in a recent update, but totally understand how it was warranted.

I really hate to say it, because it's my absolute favorite "crutch" of a weapon, but I kind of feel like Nitro Express Rifle might be a little overpowered as well (with high-accuracy soldiers).  It's mid-1999 and I'm still having trouble putting them down.  A slight reduction to the Power bonus would encourage the switch to BlackOps [Smart] Rifle and Auto-Sniper Rifle a little earlier.  I'm on the cusp of Laser weapons now, and I didn't really use either of those BlackOps upgrades throughout the game (which I recognize is probably unusual).

This is only my first playthrough so won't be offended if my feedback is taken with a grain of salt.
...I took the message about when the war was going to start to mean that I needed radar and interceptor coverage by then. I managed it, but I felt super overprepared. Not sure that's worth doing anything on your part, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Me too!  I was a little uncertain exactly what it meant, and wound up with more F16's than I needed, hanging around burning cash ;-).

I also want to echo comments from others about how you really nailed the progression of the game.  That must be such a hard factor to keep on track as you tweak the mod, but so far I've found the pacing has provided continuing challenge and interest.  Maybe a few more missions than I'd like (particularly zombie ones) but that's just because I'm taking a 'completionist' approach (I haven't ignored one yet, and really ought to start ignoring those low-impact ones).

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