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Messages - fildred13

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Open Feedback / No terror missions?
« on: July 24, 2014, 01:33:04 am »
I'm about 30 hours into a campaign on either veteran or genius, I can't remember.  Strangely, there hasn't been a SINGLE terror mission in those 30 real-life hours.  I may have shot down one terror ship in that time, but certainly no more than that one.  Am I just getting lucky, or is my radar coverage so good that I'm scaring the ships off?  Or is openxcom doing something funny?  I'm a veteran Xcom player and I'm used to a fair number of terror missions, yet in this first playthrough of openxcom there have been NONE.

Any thoughts on this?  Am I just lucky?  Am I doing something I don't know?  Could it be a bug?

EDIT: So I found this thread after I kept reading:

According to that post's logic, could I just have a game where terror missions are weighted low, AND I'm being so effective at shooting down the scouting/etc missions that I just keep pushing the terror missions back again and again?

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