Whaat? Those crafts are going to drive me insane..! I have no idea whatsoever what could cause a craft to disappear like that. Do you have a save just before the end of the month? Is it reproducible? If I can't make one disappear, then I am afraid I won't be able to find out what's happening.
Unfortunately not, I was playing Ironman. I'll see if I can get it to do it again.
I was going to reply asking a bunch of questions and then decided to try it. Quick reply: It used to work for me but it doesn't anymore... I will get back to you ASAP.
The amounts of bug that a little bit more attention are bringing up is surprising me.. I hope you guys are having fun nonetheless!
EDIT: I found the errors, stuff I should not have changed in the last update. In view of these and the tank error above, everyone please download the rulesets below and use them instead of the ones present in v1.01.
I'm pretty sure this makes you the man. Thank you!
I'm having issues with this mod. I really want to get in to it, but I have found that the effects from some of the weapons crash my game. I have no idea exactly what's going on, since nobody else is complaining it seems like it's just me. Either way, I'd really appreciate help, since it seems like this could help refresh XCom for me.
I installed OXC 1.0 using the Win64 archive. I then copied the necessary files out of my old XCom install (as is tradition), and the game works just swimmingly.
However, when I install your mod and activate the DE gauss ammo, firing any DE gauss ammo crashes my game. The weapon will fire, the projectile will travel, and just as it is supposed to play the hit animation my game crashes.
Buckshot from the grenade launcher does something similar, but I am able to see and get through the hit animation before the game crashes.
Looks interesting. I don't know much C++, but I'd like to take a look.
GitHub is pretty easy to use. If you create an account they will walk you through creating a repository, and the GitHub for Windows application is pretty easy to use.
Mmm... also, you shouldn't edit the Xcom1Ruleset.rul file directly. Make a new .rul file and activate it in the mod section of OpenXCom's options. It will overrule anything in Xcom1Ruleset at run time if it needs to.
I updated my simulator for multiple interceptors in a combat. It also supports an arbitrary number of weapons per craft, but that's not terribly relevant until someone decides to mod the game.
Fun fact: it takes 48 Interceptors equipped with stingrays and cannons, attacking simultaneously, to have a roughly 36% chance of taking down a battleship. They will suffer something like 90% casualties if they do succeed.
Derp, the UFO was firing every second... forgot to include the cooldown check. Should have caught that.
4 interceptors with stingrays and cannons have a 30% chance of taking down a battleship... that's a little more realistic. Should have realized that the previous result didn't pass the "this makes sense" test.
interesting i did not know that difficulty has an influence to air combat
It's not that crazy for regular weapons, but if, for example, you do what I did and mod the UFOs to fire for less damage more often, the -10 cooldown from superhuman difficulty makes it impossible to attack some UFOs.
does it really make a big diffence to an easy estimation like (craft-hullstrength/(ufo damage/ufo reloadrate))-(ufo-hullstrength/((my damage-weapon1/my reloadrate-weapon1)+(my damage-weapon2/my reloadrate-weapon2))) ?
- loading data from rulfile -> modded ufo/craft can fight each other - allowing multiple craft to atttack (needs a parameter like "duration between starts") - getting rid of numpy.random using the default random.random function - web
Thanks! I'm not really a programmer - my background is in numerical computation and applied mathematics. This is mostly just me messing around.
I'll look into loading from rule files. At the moment it wasn't worth my time, but I can figure it out, since it's something that probably should be in there.
Multiple combats should be extremely easy.
I just used numpy out of habit, I guess I can switch it out no problem.
Honestly, I don't know absolutely jack about web development. You're more than welcome to put a wrapper on it and put it on a website. Just give me some credit. :-)
It allows you to simulate thousands of air combats between craft of your choice in a couple seconds, so you can get an idea of how likely you are to take down a certain type of UFO with any particular craft with any particular weapons.
Hopefully it will be of some use to you. I plan on messing around with it for another few days, and if there is anything you'd like to see me add to it, or you have any questions on how to use it, let me know.
Edit: what kind of forum doesn't automatically markup url links? :-P