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Messages - zastava128

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Hm, I've just upgraded to 0.77 and I can no longer capture Booty (e.g. Trader's Booty) or Broken/Wrecked Armour. I only get a worthless corpse instead. Is this a bug or has there been some change that I'm not aware of?

The other thing is, I haven't seen the Star Gods for like 5 months. Last time I couldn't capture them either... is there any catch there, or am I supposed to research somethin before I can captue one?

Still playing 0.73, so will installing the newest version invalidate my savegames?

Also, an idea: I'm not sure whether it's possible to implement this, but how about allowing the player to use a "tamed" Reaper as a HWP? I mean the Traders have them, so why not the player? (possibly made using Reaper corpses, but how to justify this?... Franken-Reaper? Cyber-Reaper?)

Oh, and I just met the Star Gods.  They aren't kidding when they say "Gods" :o

Released Mods / Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.73
« on: June 30, 2014, 02:28:08 pm »
There is no option right now, but indeed, there perhaps should be... I was afraid it'd make the game too easy if you could produce them early on, but then again, I have an idea where to implement it on the tech tree to keep things balanced.

I think it's needed to be honest. Right now, if you lose the Boarding Gun early you're at a severe disadvantage.

I've noticed that Hand Cannons are sometimes used by your enemies, so another possibility would be to also make enemies occasionally carry the Boarding Gun (the Raiders would be a fitting choice for this I think).

Released Mods / Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.73
« on: June 28, 2014, 03:35:06 pm »
First of all, thanks for all the hard work you put into the mod - it's like a whole new game.

Now I've got a question: Can you produce Boarding Guns or Hand Cannons? I can't seem to either buy or produce them, but then again maybe I've just missed the prerequisite tech. These two guns are absolutely vital in the early game, since they're among the few starting weapons that can punch through Personal Armour...

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