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Messages - Rascal

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: Melee AI
« on: January 04, 2021, 10:02:55 pm »
Glad to know it's not a bug. Thanks for the explanation!

The X-Com Files / Melee AI
« on: December 30, 2020, 09:53:49 pm »
Hello fellow commanders!

I've been playing this mod for a couple days and I love it so far. Some things that puzzled me originally I either figured out with time, or read about on the wiki/forums.

I still have a few questions though, and the most glaring one is melee AI. Most of the time when I engage non-shooting enemies, they don't charge to attack, but rather wander aimlessly within visual range. In my recent mission I stopped even bothering to shoot. Just set AI speed and bullet speed to max, and constantly end turn while the agents train their reactions.

While free reactions training sounds nice, something tells me that these encounters were not supposed to be so trivial. I read somewhere that "sneaky AI" mod can hinder meelee creatures in OXC, but there's no such mod in XCF, is there?

On a separate note, is there a discord server dedicated to XCF? I don't see it being discussed much in X-Com or OXC servers.

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