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Messages - qooqle

Pages: [1]
OXCE Support / Re: Music plays too fast
« on: November 05, 2023, 12:44:55 pm »
Ok, it was doing it with other versions of OXCE so I must be doing something wrong, here’s my build.

OXCE Support / Music plays too fast
« on: November 04, 2023, 12:05:21 pm »
When I run OXCE on my iPhone 11 (Having signed the app with Signulous), the game seems to work fine, that is everything except the music. I only have XCOM TFTD on my installation.
The music seems to play at a ridiculously high speed (3x faster or more I think) and I can't find any settings that fix this.

Anyone know what the issue is and how to fix?
Many thanks

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