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Messages - marxistninja

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Programming / Double Skyranger Minor Bug (Possible MiB bug)
« on: August 17, 2014, 06:51:05 am »
So I encountered a weird bug when fighting the MiB.  Picture speaks for itself and my soldiers were split in half between the two.  On this map, there was no enemy UFO, even though this was a landed mission, and I collected 100 Elerium in the process.  I think it was a coverup mission, similar to the base mission where there is no UFO.     

This has only happened once against the MiB and it wasn't game breaking, just odd. If nothing else, this bug is just like the Giants of Skyrim: not game breaking but hilarious.

(And yes, the Filename is required.)       

all chrysald resurrect on death!
you can only win by stunning ALL of them :)
have fun


Still, that's almost a lottery game.  Sure, you Could use small launchers, but that's boring.  There is that mace mod I haven't fiddled with yet. Maybe if it has a 90% stun rate, maybe.  That also begs the question if such a match would even be winnable.  You are severely outclassed on TU, though they are spread out across the map and you have tactics. Even with a tightly nit group, you are going to have to bait them out, causing hilarity.   

I debated the thought, rambled on some ideas, and though it would be an interesting problem for the player in the actual game, it just won't be interesting for a scenario with fixed items. 

I've always been a huge Xcom fan, and when I stumbled across this project, I was very impressed.  Everything clicks well and the mods really add a new touch to the whole experience.  Even the little things like organizing your troops on the skyranger is freaking awesome.  And having skirmish battles at the title screen with almost full customization got me thinking. Most of the stuff you can already do, save for one little problem:   

What I would love to see is a way to make a situational mission, if only for sheer masochism.  In this mission, it would be a middle of the night (full darkness) Terror Site against ONLY Chrysalids (No Snakemen) on Superhuman difficulty.  For the "rules*," you could have 14 soldiers, perhaps all only rookies, with only reinforced shotguns, plenty of alloy pellets, maybe a few flares, a few motion scanners**, and personal armor.  No explosives because 'the Xcom organization's re-housing fund is dry' though destroying walls with shotguns is acceptable (if possible).  And for more fluff, civilians are to be shot on site for obvious reasons.

"That's it, man. Game over, man! Game over! What the fuck are we gonna do now?"

The new Xcom had the mission similar to this, but there were no civilians and it honestly felt a little too easy.  Not to mention the new chrysalids are not nearly as scary as the smiling rape face demons.     

*Stuff you set up, as to your own difficulty level. Hell, if you think they should only have Machine Pistols, go ahead.  Whatever instills terror the best. 
**In order to make the motion scanner more usable, you really should just remove the TU cost all together, as seen in Xcom Apoc along with the quick-draw mod.     

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