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Messages - PIGEXPERT

Pages: [1]
Help / Re: Getting in over my head with the source code
« on: September 25, 2023, 12:35:48 am »
Alright, guess i'll just have a look and maybe tinker with the game a bit.
I should probably try to do something else before going for 3x3 units if its as difficult and janky as you say.

thanks, ill keep you posted if I somehow do find a way.

Help / Getting in over my head with the source code
« on: September 23, 2023, 02:42:58 pm »
Okay, so I wanna try having a look at the openxcom source code to see if I can frankenstein 3x3 size units (or maybe even other sizes) into the game.

I guess I have two questions:
1. How hard is tinkering with the source code? (assume I have the necessary base knowledge)
2. Is 3x3 units just a dream I should give up on? I don't know if anyone has ever really tried before, but from what I've seen the game doesn't like it one bit.

Any form of help is appreciated :)

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