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Messages - Regulain

Pages: [1]
OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: January 24, 2024, 08:24:12 pm »
Currently not possible.

(but I thought about it already, it is also impractical for me to receive all items, especially because most mods have enforced storage limits and I am forced to sell them immediately)

If only it was as simple as having a text document listing all creatures/items with true/false next to them so you can turn them on and off as you please. But thats a massive task
One thing that could be done is create more commands like ctrl+shift 1 could give you just vehicle related stuff.

Besides getting a bunch of stuff you don't want, they come in 2's so you have to spend extra time sorting out what you want and don't want, heaven forbid you activate this after opening up multiple bases, now you gotta go through all the bases.

Now that I tihnk about it, I'm suprised there isn't an instant manufacture cheat. Then again the game would probably break if you used it while something is set to craft infinitely.

OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: January 24, 2024, 04:41:34 pm »
Is it possible for me to modify what the debug cheats do? like I want it to give me $1m not $999m or instead of every item/creature only specific ones?

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: December 25, 2023, 06:37:19 am »
I can understand the slower aircraft like helicopters being early interception for enemy ground transport.
But besides the occasional race, is there any point to having your own ground transport?

XPiratez / Re: very serious problem in Cats 4 Life in version N6.0.1
« on: October 14, 2023, 08:28:34 am »
Has this been fixed?
I believe there was an update a couple of days after the initial update.

XPiratez / Re: XPirateZ Mission/Soldier/Base trainer for Windows
« on: September 28, 2023, 12:04:55 am »
Not even launch  ::)
i have all .net on my windows, but still nothing...not working

Same I downloaded the .net not knowing if I had it, but when I started the install I was told I already had it.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: September 18, 2023, 04:05:10 pm »
You can use this mod from Rangerh. It was made for the 40k mod but I've altered it to work for XPiratez. It makes the access lift in every base heal all soldiers by an additional 2% of their health per day, which means that under no circumstances will any soldier take more than 50 days to fully heal and return to service.

Thats great, I was thinking of asking him to modify it for xpiratez if there wasn't a mod already.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: September 18, 2023, 02:01:07 pm »
Is there a mod for faster healing?
I am not a fan of my characters being down for multiple months.

« on: September 18, 2023, 01:48:03 pm »
I'm beginning to think that that GSC Cult base was deliberately disabled by the 40k team because it is rouggghhh, at least with the Space Hulk you get a nice little warning about what you have to destroy

I can say the same about traitor guardsmen bases, I went in with drop pods and the first thing I see is like 10 sentinals all armed with missiles, with all the explosives that slam into my landing zone, I would be lucky to have 3 marines alive by my 3rd turn.

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