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Messages - Xcommander

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Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: March 06, 2017, 07:33:32 pm »
Bring extra clips :)

Why is it impossible? When your shots leave the map there is no "impact" sound and the bullets on autoshot come out *fast*. Would it be possible to change the impact sound to something very short and pronounced?

I had the same idea, since I'm testing my potential "Vanilla Hardmode" MOD with 3x the aliens and there is a *lot* of shooting!

Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: February 03, 2017, 06:29:18 pm »
Guys, guys. Relax. It's not about losing that super star.  ::) If XCOM had multiplayer I'd challenge anyone 1vs1 who doubts my commitment to difficulty lol.

1. I had to adapt to handle 3x the aliens but now I'm doing all right and handle things without reloading. I got this :)

2. Ever complained that chess players undo moves in training because they worry about losing that "super star king"? Imagine XCOM Battlescape missions SO HARD that you have to "study" a mission and rethink everything you normally do? Edge of Tomorrow - style? #goals

Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: February 02, 2017, 09:30:46 pm »
an imaginary line between "vanilla enough" and "no longer vanilla".

Idea is
- dominate the fuck out of the game from back then, now, as we have grown we go back to the game of old and find closure by beating the aliens that kept us at the edge of our seats and sometimes bested us.
- to reuse all the intricate knowledge of the game - like a gambler knows his odds from his vast experience and can tell if the dice are loaded, we know the XCOM mechanics quantitatively and intuitively.

Geoscape is solved; we can go to Cydonia even with nations quitting and soldiers dying. Battlescape is where it's at. If you want to leave the mechanics untouched the only things that seems to remain is add quantity - more and more aliens.


Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: February 01, 2017, 10:31:06 pm »
Very cool stuff, however I want vanilla. Not chocolate, not strawberry, vanilla!

But harder.

Fought my first terror ship, and ..there's really a lot of aliens there :-) I might experiment with just double the number instead of triple and giving the aliens some armor.

Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: February 01, 2017, 06:02:45 pm »
For example, rather than take away PSI and blaster launchers all together, why not make PSI and blaster launchers unusable for XCOM, but let the aliens keep them? Just a suggestion.

Good points.
- I have morale modified as well
- I checked, aliens can use blasters already
- PSI sucks but you're right, without it it gets quite a bit easier

Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:46:44 am »
(If I make a mod and use other mods as part of the experience, can I just steal it (with credits) or should I refer to it (use X)?)

The game as I am currently testing:

3x the number of aliens in all kinds of ships, therefore
- really hard battles,
- "target rich environment" with lots of shooting (leave vanilla accuracy on), less SWAT team, more army vs. army
- underused equipment like grenades become more important, less worry about blowing up loot since you get plenty
- lots of loot, so Geoscape play is fun and easy -> all bases, equipment, research affordable early on
- tactics are now "worth it" more since everyone on the map (including e.g. flanking units) are always spotting or shooting something
- no boring missions

no PSI, no blasters, therefore
- hardcore conventional battles
- no tragic decimation of your top crew when the Ethereals show up
- no PSI'ing the aliens, thats BS
- No carpet blastering the map

just a few mods, like
- grenades 3 stories high
- possibly things like extra ufos
- I did "starting defensive improved base" (nah because "not vanilla" or yea because "hassle-free geoscape"?)
- I did "pre-save primed grenades" (not Vanilla, and something that streamlines things, but makes it a little easier, so mabye nah)
- maybe heavy laser, but THAT'S ABOUT IT -> I'd recommend doing either the final mod pack/hardmode expansion/other mod OR this plain vanilla one!

So as an experienced player you find the game as you know it; you breeze through the purchase, research and manufacturing screens, you know how aliens react and you know your odds shooting laser pistol across the map and the vision mechanics with smoke and light. Things that felt unbalanced are now all right - you need every advantage you can get. Battlescape/money management was boring and half-broken anyway if you can manufacture+sell lasers and live of selling mind probes :P

If you want to enjoy the trip to Cydonia more, try the other mods that add content in Geoscape (research, diffculty). This one is about the battles. Just take one by one as a challenge in itself.

In Vanilla the few alien survivers in a small scout were often vastly inferior to a strong human team. The only thing they could do was kill one of the better soldiers which didn't change the battle but kind of annoyed the player and maybe set him back long-term in Battlescape. Annoying. Now every alien ship can win.

In Vanilla even tougher battles didn't really *need* all 14-26 soldiers; you want to train them all but there wasn't enough to shoot at, there was the risk to get shot at if you didn't move everyone right, and many just stood around or just "trained" time units or energy. Boring. In this mod you want to deploy them all, everyone is useful.

With the point system it was often beneficial to, say, land on a terror site and leave immediately to reduce negative score. Let's forget score - let's play to win a ground battle. You get the idea by now :)

Oh and I would allow restarting any battle from the beginning if you don't like whats happening.
- no more worrying about losing your super star!
- you get another chance, that's how training works. Try the same thing again and see if you can do better
- in the beginning ths mode needs some adjusting and you really need to develop your "best practices", smoke things up, look half-diagonal through windows or around corners to be safer from alien reaction, flank, ... so don't sweat it.
- don't worry about difficulty: it's difficult enough and there are enough aliens around to never give you an easy mission. It seems like the mission layout/landscape is fixed for each alien ufo now

I like it, this is XCOM for me now! Would anyone want to play that? :-) Let me know what you think! Suggestions (practically or philosophically) welcome

Suggestions / Re: Hero Units
« on: January 29, 2017, 03:51:01 pm »
Meridian, even though you confused me with the other guy, it's true I really just fantasized - after all it's the "Suggestions" - Subforum, and a gamer needs to dream :-)

Please don't feel under pressure from anyone's wild idea. You've given me great advice for my "vanilla hard mode", thanks for that!

Suggestions / Re: Hero Units
« on: January 20, 2017, 09:15:00 pm »
How about unlocking a Hero unit when a regular soldier has skilled/leveled up all the way? I always felt there should be more impact from a top guy who survived and finally made it to the top. But no, a single stray plasma ends him or her  ;D

Wouldn't have to be a super unit, just giving him/her one unique special weapon/ability exclusively would make it fun and interesting.

Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: January 20, 2017, 09:07:25 pm »
Very interesting. Started with the mod by multiplying all alien counts by 3, e.g.

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_ABDUCTOR
      - alienRank: 5
        lowQty: 9
        highQty: 15

This makes for a target rich environment and feels more of a battle than a special operations mission. I'd recommend classical accuracy in order to get things done with long range autoshots. I'll have to study alien morale; too much panic early on even if they have a decent army left.

Meanwhile, what would you guys expect from a plain vanilla hard battlescape mode?
- more aliens?
- beefier?
- better aim?
- better AI? (one can dream)

Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: January 19, 2017, 11:56:25 pm »
In which file would I change the labels? Thanks!

Edit: also, level "9" (difficultyCoefficient: [0, 1, 2, 3, 9] and then picking Superhuman) only brought 7 Sectoids in the first Large Scout that landed. I modified C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenXcom\standard\xcom1\difficulty.rul, hope that's correct.

Maybe further testing is needed.

Suggestions / Re: [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: January 18, 2017, 11:07:02 pm »
Extra difficulty button(s) ("Superhumanier", "Superhumaniest") would be even nicer as they'd be an "official" challenge. "I have beaten the game at "Utmost Superhumanism" vs. "I beat the game with a bunch of random mods, forgot half of them".

The difficultyCoefficient seems to be what I want: a single number to make things harder. I see that it affects various alien stats, but also firing rate of alien ships. Very interesting, I'll have to try that.

Looking forward to some ridiculous cyber disk parties!

Suggestions / [Suggestion] Vanilla - Extra Hard
« on: January 18, 2017, 09:06:17 pm »

Love the hard mode expansion and similar mods, but I'd like to play as vanilla as possible, just harder.

- Superhuman is not *that* hard if you've playing this for a while
- Many of the minor conveniences (grenades that go 3 levels, game combining half-used alien clips, sorting soldiers in the skyranger) actually seem to make the game a little easier, one by one, if we're honest
- The challenge for me is to beat the aliens like it's 1994, with all their quirks, not to play a different (better) game
- I don't want to do crazy challenges like "night missions only" or hawaii-base.

So I'd like a bunch of extra buttons below "Superhuman", ideally that would be done by changing one variable in the game and with as little custom work as possible. If that's not possible I could see more aliens, aliens shooting better, aliens retaliating harder and having more battleships.


Troubleshooting / Re: savegame crash
« on: July 02, 2014, 12:39:32 am »
thanks, this one worked! ;D

Troubleshooting / Re: savegame crash
« on: June 30, 2014, 09:04:59 pm »
I downloaded the modified savegame, but it still crashes. I also downloaded the stable 1.0 version.

Anything I could try?

Is it possible to declare this mission as "won" so I can proceed?


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