« on: March 12, 2014, 08:27:00 pm »
So, I decided to try getting the source from GitHub and maybe take a stab at that new Smooth Camera code, but I just can't get it to run from code. I use Visual Studio Ultimate 2012, which if I'm not completely wrong, is actually VS 11, right? At first, after having to copy a couple of msvcrt.dll's into the game folder, and I finally got it to compile without errors, I got an access violation when starting the game, and after a bit of googling I found that Yaml would need to be rebuilt in VS2012 for it to work when debugging the game in VS2012. So I tried building Yaml-cpp with CMake, selecting VS11 as generator, and it spit out a shitload of files, when I thought it would actually compile a dll. Anyway, so I opened up the sln CMake made in VS and compiled it, and it finally spits out a yaml-cpp.dll. I then renamed that (and the .lib) to yaml-cppd.dll (I built them in debug, but both debug and release seem to output a yaml-cpp.dll) and copied it into the bin folder (and copied the release versions without renaming).
Unfortunately now when I try to compile the game, I get a bunch of Unresolved Externals from Yaml. Unresolved Externals have always been a real headache for me. If it's a declaration missing a definition, that's fine, but in cases like this, I just feel like giving up. The error messages are just a diarrhea of colons, ampersands, at-signs and underscores. Let me just copy-paste the first unresolved and see if anyone can explain to me what the hell I need to do, it would be much appreciated:
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class YAML::detail::node & __thiscall YAML::detail::memory::create_node(void)" (?create_node@memory@detail@YAML@@QAEAAVnode@23@XZ)
Anyway, unresolved externals should mean that I have declarations of everything but missing their definitions, or vice versa, right? I know how to code, but this whole linking business in C++ has always been my enemy... any help much appreciated, thanks!